The beginning of the end

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It hurt so much, I trusted him, and he shattered it, I'm in so much pain, why, why...why...why...

It was another day of the odessy, and dark cacao was going to meet PVs family

If only the dad and sister weren't bastards

"Hi!" Pure vanilla greeted dark cacao at the door, a bright smile on his face "Hello, Pure vanilla, I'm pleased to finally be meeting your family" Pure vanilla smiled, and grabbed dark cacaos hand, leading him to the center of the castle, where the other members of the odessy and PVs family were "go on!" dark cacao walked towards the rather strong looking elder man "Hello sir-" he was immediately cut off "so YOU'RE the dark cacao pure vanilla keeps talking about?" "Ye-" he was once again cut off "Hello, I'm vanilla cone cookie" dark cacao felt it was rather rude of him to do that,
and there was something about his tone that tipped him off, but he shrugged it off and turned to the old woman "Oh hello darling! You must be dark cacao cookie! I'm vanilla sugar cookie!" She was really nice, but he felt that the fathers tone of voice still tipped him off, he once again shrugged it off, and turned to the tiny child, she didn't really look like she was their child "Hi mr! I'm brown sugar cookie!" He leaned down "Hi sweetheart, I'm dark cacao, pleased to meet you" dark cacao leaned up and looked towards the young woman in the group "Hello i-" she cut him off "yeah yeah my names waffle cone cookie, I know who you are, dark cacao" pure vanilla looked at her "that was a bit rude, you could be nicer sis" she sighed and apologized, but dark cacao still felt off about VC, but he once again, shrugged it off

He shouldn't have shrugged it off, he shouldn't have, he really shouldn't have...

7 hours passed and everybody was heading to bed, but dark cacao decided to speak with vanilla cone beforehand "vanilla cone, I feel as though you have something to speak to me about, would you like to speak about this in private?" he fell into the trap, he did, didn't he? the father wanted to satisfy his filthy needs, he smiled with a giant shit eating smile, he agreed "yes, infact I do have something to say to you" dark cacao nodded, and walked away, waiting for vanilla cone to follow

How could he!?

Vanilla cone partly closed the door behind them, dark cacao began speaking about how he felt he didn't respect him, when disaster struck "vanilla cone, once again, I feel as tho- AAAAAAH-!" he was pinned against the bed, he writhed and struggled, the father was getting sick of it "STOP STRUGGLING!" he was sick of it, the daughter overheard and walked in "HELP!" dark cacao screamed, the daughter walked over, but instead of helping, she held his arms down "yeah, I don't really like you" she laughed, the father began stripping cacao of his clothes "WAIT! ST-STOP!" the father slid his cock out, he wet it up with lube and wet it up and slowly put it inside of him "AHH-" the father shoved his face into the pillows "don't worry, it won't hurt as much if you don't move around"

That night was filled with nothing but pained screams and agonized sobs.

🥀It's Ok To Hurt & It's Ok To Cry🥀 (Dark cacao cookie)Where stories live. Discover now