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       As Dipper headed towards the jailhouse, he couldn't help but wonder why he had said yes to this dumb job. He didn't want  to do it, he had to. Mabel would sympathize with the prisoner, and no one else would like to even get near him. Not that he did, either. From what he heard, Bill liked to manipulate those around him.
        There were many rumours surrounding the guy, Dipper learned. Apparently, he liked to rip his victims apart with his bare hands before killing them. When he heard that one, a girl from across the room came to correct him. No, he liked to give them poison, then sneer at them in their last moments, locking them in a room to die.
         There were absolutely too much rumours to count, this guy was so bad.
          And yet here I am, heading towards him. This was a stupid idea, Dipper knew that much. He should have dismissed it before he could even consider. There was no way he'd come back alive from this.
         Okay, so maybe he was exaggerating just a little. His Grampa had laced the whole place with a boatload of magic before he left. That didn't mean that he had to feel safe, though.
         Hand clutched around the journal, he arrived at the door that he had been dreading.
With a sigh, he turned the knob and let himself in.
         It was less...dark than he imagined, not at all like the movies he watched at home. He should have known better than to base all his expectations on stuff that was meant to be scary, not accurate.                                            Then again, he'd never thought that he'd actually be the one walking down the halls.
         Dipper wasn't so sure what was worse, the fact that if he died here his last words would be some cheesy math joke he told to Mabel, or that he was so not dressed for the situation. With a blue and white trucker hat and a red shirt, he looked like an eleven year old.
         The people in the cells he passed looked so desperate and tired that he almost wanted to reach over and set them free. Almost. So this was the reason Mabel couldn't go instead of him.
          He knew she had been dying to show off her.   newfound fighting skills the moment she got the chance, but sadly this wasn't it. Grunkle Stan was smart to not let her go, she would unlock the prisoner's doors at the first sign of discomfort.
          He couldn't mess this up. If he failed, an absolute madman (Not to mention murderer) would be running loose in Gravity falls.
          He steeled his face and practically marched through, paying no attention to the tortured wails of those who had been here too long to still have sanity. This wouldn't be the first time he had dozens of people staring straight at him, he thought. That wasn't really all that true, but he needed some encouragement, right?
           You can do this, he thought, it's just some prisoners, nothing too--His self conscious was cut off as some one screamed to help him out. He cringed, this was not easy at all.
           When more people decided that, hey, that's a good idea, they started yelling too.
At that moment Dipper decided that he had had too much,(they were reaching through the bars, he had to struggle to dodge them and keep a straight face), and made a run for it.
          He ran through the halls, and he must have looked pretty funny, because the next thing he knew, everyone was laughing instead of screaming.
          He was relieved at that, but that didn't stop the burning of his cheeks as he slowed down.
          Great, he didn't even start his shift yet, and he already messed up. He couldn't help but think about how much better Mabel would be at this. She probably would have been laughing with them. He didn't know exactly how she did, but at the end of the day, everyone was her friend. It was like she didn't even try.
            He really needed to stop thinking about his twin sister at that moment. After all, this was his mission, his chance to proof that he could be trusted with work too, his chance to provide that he wasn't a total wimp.
            Dipper glanced at the cells. 692...695--Wait. Bill's cell was 666, so that meant that he just passed it. He let out a frustrated sigh and turned around.
This time, he kept an eye on the cell numbers. He hadn't even gotten to Bills cell yet when he heard a high voice yell out at him.
         "Hiya Pine Tree!"

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