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Y/N, and his sister, walked through the school gates together and everyone was mesmerized by both of them.

Y/N: If these perverts try to get close to you today, I'll have to deal with them.

Konosuba: You say this, but you're always busy doing some other stuff.

Y/N: It's not my fault I'm always getting detention.

He exclaims to defend himself.

Konosuba: I'm not talking about detention, I'm talking about Sona's and Rias' peerage.

Y/N, then looked at his sister like he was about to kill her, but then walked away from her. As he was walking, a few girls walked over to him.

Y/N: (Oh no, I can't do this right now, I'm looking for Koneko.)

Girl 1: Y/N, Y/N, how's your day been?

Girl 2: Do you want to go out after school today?

Girl 3: You can sign your signature on my boobs.

They kept flooding him with questions and Y/N felt like he was about die, until someone helped him out.

???: Sorry girls, the principal wants to speak to Y/N.

Y/N: (What have I done now?)

The boy then grabbed Y/N and dragged him away from the girls.

Girl 1: Ew!!!!

Girl 2: Issei is touching our King.

As they are far gone, Issei stopped walking.

Y/N: This ain't the principal's office.

Issei: Oh, that. I only said that so the girls would be forced to leave you alone.

He explains to Y/N.

Y/N: And why are you, of all people helping me?

Issei: I just thought if I helped you, you would let me get close to your sister.

Y/N, then walked closer and his face was up close to Issei. Issei started getting scared.

Y/N: If you even lay a finger on her, I will kill you.

He explains clearly to Issei and walks away from him.

Issei: This is the thanks I get, for helping him...geez.

Y/N, then found Koneko in his common room and walked in it.

Y/N: Oh, you're in my common room.

Koneko: Yes, it's comfortable.

Y/N: Anyways, I got something for you.

He tells Koneko as he walks up to her and gives her a chocolate bar. She took it and started munching on it. Y/N, then sat on a beanbag, and played some calm music. Koneko, then got up, and walked over to Y/N and sat on his laps.

Y/N: Hmm...

He then started thinking of perverted things that he could do to Koneko, but he didn't as all he did was put his hands on her thighs. The door then opened, and someone walked inside.

Y/N: Oh, Miss Sitri, what brings you to my room?

Sona: You don't have too be so formal Y/N, and I came to tell you that you've got detention for being late to class, which looks like you don't plan on going anytime soon. 

Y/N: So you're telling me , you didn't go to class just to come and tell me this?

Sona: No, I just wanted to come and say good morning as well. I thought you was alone and then I sensed another Devil in this room, but it was just Koneko. You also have detention for the same reason.

The Incubus of Kuoh: Highschool DxD X Male Incubus ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now