Chapter 25 - Cutting the Strings

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During the early years of Suzuki Sonoko, no one ever denied or rebelled against her of anything.

When a kid is born into a wealthy family, the sky is the limit. Everyone obeys you like royalty. It was thanks to this that Sonoko is arrogant, but she personally thinks she ain't as evil as those mean villainess who were born into rich family that goes after men who belonged to the sunny heroine. No, she has her own morals when it comes to that.

If one loves someone despite her feelings, one should let that person go. What is the point of tormenting yourself with someone who barely returns one's affection?

But for Mouri Ran, it was different for Sonoko. The only best friend since kindergarten days, Ran was that one friend that has always been humble, a little hot-tempered, but overall a kind person who is also loyal to her friends.

The one shortcoming Ran was back then was she lacked the backbone when it came to what she liked and disliked

Ran gives, when she gives, she never put herself first and never expected anything back in return. And in Sonoko's opinion, someone like her deserves all the love one could get. She is lovable, so when Ran's parents split up, Sonoko felt like Ran need to have some further positivity surrounding her, as Ran is starting to believe she doesn't deserve any of this. And Shinichi was a good influence on them, despite his obnoxious behaviour.

And yet, that she-demon Kudo Ranran thinks the opposite.

She takes and takes, but never returns. A selfish little pompous tyrannical princess who sits above the throne, looking down at them like peasants. The worst part? Everyone bought into Ranran's act as if she is the victim!

Even Shinichi is thinking what Sonoko did was the worst betrayal in the history of Teitan Elementary school. Shinichi had shown up behind Ranran, making her jump up in surprise, Sonoko grew pale the moment her eyes met his. Approaching with a dangerous expression on his face, he initially turned to Ranran, "You too! You knew the entire time!? Why didn't you say anything!?"

"In the first place, I just got the evidence randomly submitted to me to the association's website using a disposable email today, it was a video of her talking to someone in a cafe. This said someone was the one who suggested to Sonoko the idea of doing this to you." Ranran pointed out, that everyone who was listening to all of this is mindblown by the development of this case.

"Someone!?" Shinichi blinked repeatedly before demanding, "Did you see who it was!?"

"No, it was secretly recorded unbeknownst to Sonoko," Ranran shook her head at him but then realizes something, "But I can tell it belonged to a child, the voice sounds very much like a girl our age."

"A girl!?" With a collective gasp, everyone naturally assumed, "Mouri Ran!"

"No! It ain't her!" Sonoko is so not having this! No way she is going to allow anyone to talk crap about her best friend like that!

"I doubt it's her, I worked with her in the association and would've recognised her voice if it was her." Ranran disagrees, before thinking about it, "But it's definitely a girl. There is no mistaking it."

Suddenly, everyone began to murmur among themselves as to who this mysterious girl could be. "What sicko girl would do this to Shinichi of all people?! Also, what is with all the hate on him to go that far!?"

"Maybe it could be Ran? I mean she and Sonoko are close friends."

"No, Ranran said it didn't sound like her. It had to be someone so evil that they want to split Shinichi up from Ran and Sonoko. I mean to use his former enemy's name...that is a step too far!"

T.A series volume 3: The King of RubiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora