Chapter 11 - Infiltration

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By the time Ranran was stuck in traffic mid way, her smartphone rang three times in as many minutes.

First came in Emiko, who reported in with her news, then, Shinichi and Takuma informed her about the man in the alley.

It was the third call that spurred her into action.

"Kudo Ranran! I think it's time we had a talk I'm coming down to headquarters in school, at 7am tomorrow morning..."

And boy oh boy, it was evident the sergeant sounded angry. After Ranran texted to everyone, much less a exhausted Michio and the two other girls who abruptly left, it was evident that in Shinichi's message he was not happy one bit.

His first-ever stakeout has turned out disastrous thanks to unforeseen events is one thing, but Takuma having not silenced his phone made it all so ever beyond maddening. He could've blamed the athlete, but then again, Ranran making that phone call to the athlete was what led to the failure of the stakeout alone.

He can't blame his mentor for this, no, cause she had no idea about Takuma's mistake. And yet...

"I can't believe this," Shinichi sighs deeply in disappointment the following day, "The first stakeout I ever planned smoothly, and it went in all sorts of directions!"

"There is always a first time, Kudokun." Ranran pets his shoulder comfortingly.

"That shouldn't be an excuse! I worked for you for a month!" Shinichi laments as Junko was the first to arrive. "What's happened?" She asked Ranran, "Why is it in our group message I read that Genzo wants to meet all of us out of the blue today?!"

Before Ranran could answer, Ran walked in with Michio behind her.

Initially, Ranran noticed that Junko turned away quickly from Ran. After that argument, she felt like she didn't truly know Mouri Ran at all.

But if there is one thing is that Mouri Ran confronts her problems head one. So she went straight over to her. For once, she wore a plain white tee shirt instead of her usual overalls, which made Ranran and Shinichi shared a curious glance with Michio before their eyes could turn to the two girls.

"Fuyuko, I don't judge a person based on appearance. And I am sorry on trying to force you to do something you don't like. But the reason I said that is because..." she whispered so the other three observing them couldn't hear, "I am just sick and tired that I lack the things Ranran has, you know? I just...if we at least have some of Ranran's beauty and talent, even for us as wallflowers...that could score us a win against someone like her..."

Junko's eyes misted with tears as Ran gave her а tissue. When their hands met, Junko didn't let go. "If I were, to be honest...I'm sorry, too, Ran," she sobbed. "I didn't mean to say all those things. But I too am...sick and tired of Ranran's manipulation."

Shinichi then nudged Michio, "What's with those two?"

"No clue," He shrugged. "Must be girl stuff as always."

No sooner had Emiko and Takuma arrived than Sergeant Genzo strode in from the shop. His grey-flecked hair had even more gray in it since the last time they'd seen him, and his face was set with a determined expression. Suddenly he caught sight of Emiko's sketch on the wall.

"On, you've met Werner?" he asked curiously. Everyone stared at him.

"Wait, you know him?" gasped Ranran.

"He is a wanted criminal, right?"Shinichi asked the sergeant. "A German criminal?"

"One that beat up that old man who was knocked off his bicycle last night," Emiko added. "He tried to kidnap him the other day at the mall!"

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