Chapter 11: This Doesn't Change Orders

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As Aileana began to convulse rapidly and shake uncontrollably Sans screamed, "Toriel! Toriel! Something is wrong!" He didn't know what to do as he put the mage on the ground. Toriel ran into the room to find Aileana on the ground unconscious and convulsing. Foam began to form around her bloody mouth.

"Oh Heavens!" She yelled as she went to Aileana's side and began to heal her head. "Sans, what happened!" Papyrus ran in at the commotion and nearly screamed and run to the couch at the sight.

"Papyrus, move everything away from Aileana!" Toriel ordered.

"What's happening?" Sans demanded

"She's having a seizure." She explained the best she could as she held the mages head. Green healing magic all around her hands. Trying to fix whatever damage had been done. "What happened to her?" She seemed to choke on tears as she got out a whisper, trying not to cry.

"I-I'm not sure. I took her to the hotel for an exam and I went to hang around the park til she was done. She said she wouldn't be long. Then it was like two hours so I went looking for her. I found her and some mages being beaten by this old glasses wearing man. He had done some kind of lightning magic on her head and-" Sans spoke so quickly that Toriel almost couldn't understand. She put a hand on his much smaller shoulder. He stopped and looked at her with terrified eye lights.

"Sans, breathe. You got her to me. You did good. Breathe"

Sans leaned back against the couch. He breathed heavily and watched Aileana beginning to slow. Blood covering her face. Way less broken than it was.

"What's going on?" Frisk asked, walking through the front door. Her backpack on her back. Undyne and King Asgore followed quickly behind. At the sight of the mage on the floor they began to ask a million questions.

"Calm down!" Toriel demanded. Which shut everyone down. "Do not worry about this. I need to take care of her and then me and Asgore will talk about what happened. We will need Sans for a statement."

She looked over at the still shocked skeleton monster. "Sans?"

He looked up at her, his eye light still pen pricks. "You should get yourself cleaned up. You have blood on you." He touched his cheek and pulled his hand away to see blood on his finger bones. He gulped in a breath before getting up with a wobble.

Though the sounds felt muddy; like Sans was underwater, Sans could tell Toriel had told Asgore to take Aileana to her room. He didn't stay though. Instead he went to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. All from his cheek down his neck and onto his white shirt was red blood. Sans turned on the water. But, before he had his hands in the water he stopped. He looked back up at the mirror.

He touched his hand to his neck and brought it back. He looked at it and it brought back false memories. Memories of times that didn't come true. Of things that weren't reality. It was haunting. And, Sans didn't know what came over him in that moment when he dragged a bloody phalange across his blue tongue. For a second he could taste the blood, and the magic in it. And for a second he liked the feeling.

Then he dry heaved, almost puking at what he had done. Quickly he took off his clothes and jumped into the shower. Feeling gross.

* * *

The sounds of steady beeping got louder and louder. I opened my eyes to see white. I looked around and found that I was in the hospital. Next to me was Sans. He was reading a book. A rather thick book. I looked around to see a large glass window and door. It was to watch me, as the nurses desk sat on the other side.

"Have a good nap, sleeping head. Must have been bone tired." He joked.

I looked over at him and smiled, "Thank you for getting me out of there." I said quietly, making him twitch a little.

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