Baby bomb

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Annie stared at William.
"Hey, it's not mine!" He told her. She nodded her head. She knew who's it was.
William knew, too. And William knew what this meant.
He went out for Richard. The three of them sat down together to discuss the pressing issue.
"Abortion is illegal and unholy. Scott will kill us all. We can give her to the Russians," suggested William.
"No way," cried Richard. "She's done so well in the poop fields, and she sold all three hundred of her goat sweaters today! And also, I want to marry her"
Annie gasped. She is only 16 years old. Now she is pregnant and maybe soon to be married. No way. She can't be Amish, too!!
"What will happen if I am found out?" She begged.
"Scott won't be happy. He may shun you two" William told her.
They feared for their lives.
"Yeehaw! Why is an initiate in here?" Scott busted into the room unannounced. The three's eyes showed fear. "I was just leaving" Annie told him.
Scott started talking about the final initiation process with his two men. The Amish Taliban plays no games. Drug tests, blood tests, and more are included. Only the healthy will be accepted.

The week for Annie flew by in anxious moments. She awaited her belly to grow more and more, or to see if nothing would Happen, and William didn't feel a baby in her. She would have to wait nine months, she supposed.

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