Frigid Air, Supplena Island/ CaeJoe

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Joseph emerged from his room, having enough of the cold. Since all of Air Supplena Island's buildings are similar to that of a castle, the walls were stone. This allowed the temperature to to drop exponentially, rising and falling with that of it outside.

"Caesarrrrrrr~" he hopped past Caesar's doorway in his winter sleep attire, freezing. Caesar groaned. Without even bothering to turn around to face him, he responded.

"Yes, Jojo?" He said, slightly irritated, him having barged in without even knocking. He wondered how Jojo could still be so energetic at 12:00 AM with their tight training schedule.

"It's colder than a witches tit! How are you getting any sleep!?" He ran in place, rubbing his arms.

"Simple, I'm not." Caesar turned around to face him in the dim lighting, a few rays shining past his hair as he continued to create kinetic energy in one singular place. "It feels cold enough that the ocean could freeze over any moment."

"Maybe it has!"

"Jojo, no. The ocean has way too much moveme- nevermind." He sighed. "Why did you come in here?" he asked, sitting up slightly, propping himself up on his arm.

Joseph sat at the end of the bed without breaking eye contact with the blonde. "Well, I was thinking, since it feels like we're about to plunge into an ice age, we could maybe... share a bed. Don't get the wrong idea!"

Caesar blushed at the thought, but realized that it might actually be necessary. He knows how awkward it must've been for Joseph to come up and just outright ask to sleep under the same sheets. He weighed the options in his head, arguing internally with himself before he came to a conclusion. It was a fierce battle, but in the end, he decided for it rather than against it.

"Idiota... fine. Come here." Joseph smiled. He swiftly went back over to close the door, plunging the two into complete darkness.

"Crap!" Caesar chuckled.

"You dummy..."

"Hold on-" Joseph turned 180°, facing directly away from the door. He knew that the bed was parallel to the door, so he started moving slowly.

"Does this happen every night for you?"

"Sort of. I got sort of used to my room over time though."

"I think I'm losing brain cells watching this."

"How? You can't even see it!"

Caesar facepalmed. "Brickhead. You know what I mean." Suddenly, an idea sparked in Caesar's mind. "I wonder if hamon emits enough light for this situation..." he mumbled to himself.

"Oh but do I?"

"Jo- shut it. JoJo. Use hamon as a lamp of some sort."

"I was already using your voice to find my way over, but okay!" Joseph lifted his right fist and concentrated enough hamon into it to make it visible. "Holy shit- it actually worked!"

"Be quiet dummy! You don't wanna wake anyone up!" Caesar whisper-yelled as Joseph found his way over. He soon stood right in front of Caesar next to the bed.

"Scooch." He halted the concentration of hamon in his fist, looking down at Caesar.

"You wish. This spot is already warm. Sort of." Joseph whined.

"Fine then, have it your way!"

Caesar felt two areas to the left of him sink, JoJo's hands, and two to the right of him, his knees. A few seconds of the sound of sheets and blankets shifting, JoJo got to his spot on the bed.

"You make me do so much workkk~" he whined. "You know I hate work. Especially hard work!"

Caesar turned to face him. "Yes, I know, and I know it well. JoJo is lazy." He said mockingly.

"Hmph!" Caesar chuckled and pulled Joseph close, motivated by the cold and maybe even something else, catching him off guard. "Ce- Caesarino?"
Caesar briefly glared at him with the name he was just given.

"This is what you meant, right?"

"Well-" he gulped "no... not exactly." Both men were glad that the darkness of the room left no hints of red to be traced back onto their faces, hiding from each other in a way. "But, I- don't exactly hate this..." he said in a hushed tone.

Caesar's right arm was wrapped around Joseph's waist, hand resting at his pant line. His head rested on his left arm. Both of his legs were bent forwards, sort of balling up. When he pulled Joseph close to him, JoJo's left leg somehow managed to slip its way in between Caesar's legs, but he didn't mind because he was still comfortable.

They could hear each others heartbeat they were so close. 

(Think this close, but without them leaning their heads in so they aren't literally kissing just by looking at each other (I wish)

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(Think this close, but without them leaning their heads in so they aren't literally kissing just by looking at each other (I wish).)

"Uhm-" Joseph shifted around a little, getting himself comfortable.

"Don't tell me you don't want to do this anymore JoJo-"

"No no no, that's definitley not it- wait-" His blush deepened. "that came out wrong.... " Caesar chuckled a bit. Joseph gave him a playful nudge on the arm. "Whatever, point is, that's not what I meant..." He said quietly.

"Good. It's too cold to let you go now that you're already here, so it would've been a bit of a problem if you wanted to leave." He ruffled JoJo's hair.


"I mean, I wouldn't let you leave." Joseph covered his face with his hands on instinct, even though it was pitch black, and Caesar could very clearly tell because of the proximity of the two. "Rather, I won't let you leave..." He gently brushed away one of JoJo's arms from his face.

"Well then- good thing I wasn't planning on it." Caesar smiled and kissed his hand.

"Good night, JoJo." He closed his eyes. Unexpectedly, he then felt an arm encircle him and another pair of lips gingerly press against his.

"Night, Caesar."

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