Are You Making "Resolutions?"

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I was never a fan of making New Year's Resolutions.  But, in 2009, I joined a friend in the quest of having a "sober January."

​It was my inability to meet that challenge that kick-started my journey of recovery from drug & alcohol addictions.

​This January, I've renewed my commitments to:

1. Deepen my 'unconditional acceptance' for myself, others, and life.

​2. ​Remember that there are three solutions to every problem: accept it, change it, or leave it. If you can't accept it, change it. If you can't change it, leave it!

3. Experiment with new interests, to increase life satisfaction and personal meaning. Keep adventuring!

Unconditional Acceptance was the game-changer for me.

​After relapsing every year for 8 years in 12-step programs, I've now managed to sustain my recovery since 2018. I feel confident saying that my practice of "Unconditional Acceptance" for myself, others, and life has been a contributing factor to this success.

I wish you all the best that life has to offer in 2023.

May the force be with you and, remember,

YOU are the force!

♥️ Tanya

Are You Making "Resolutions?"Where stories live. Discover now