Part 2C: Center Path

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~ Friday, February 11th, 2022 21:30 ~

Donna Jo Hale was sitting in the hospital room with her daughter-in-law and her grandchildren. When she came to visit her son to try and heal the rift between their two families the last thing she imagined was that the rift would be healed by the arrival of two little angels. As she held her granddaughter in her arms while mom fed her grandson she marveled at the special little girl in her arms, kissed her head, and whispered an apology to her granddaughter for believing that her father would ever be better off without her or her brother in his life. Sure, logistically speaking she was just looking out for Jackson's best interests. But in the months since they last spoke Jackson has thrived in ways she never thought possible.

"Ok grandma... it's her turn now." Mrs. Jackson Fuller informs her mother-in-law.

The words snap DJ out of her thoughts and she gets up and places her granddaughter in mom's left arm. With the little girl snug safely in the crook of her mother's arm, DJ picks up her grandson and placing him over her shoulder begins to pat his back to burp the little guy. Her grandson reminds DJ so much of Jackson, there are some differences, but she sees so much of her son in her grandson. The little guy burps rather quickly and DJ thinks to herself, I still have the magic touch.

As DJ transfer's her grandson from her shoulder to her arms she returns to her seat, reclines it, and gets comfortable her daughter-in-law smiles. Life has been tumultuous over the last year in ways she never expected. If you had told her nine months before that she would be a wife and mother to two amazing twins she not only wouldn't have believed the person but she probably would have laughed in their face. Yet, here she was and those facts were true.

~ Saturday, May 22nd, 2021 22:15 ~

Earlier in the morning, Daniella remembered waking up. The sun was hitting her directly in the eyes which aggravated her alcohol-induced headache. Shielding her eyes from the sunlight, Daniella manages to make her way to the bathroom, take some painkillers, and then shuffle back to bed. Once back in the bedroom she lays down and reaches over into the nightstand where she finds a sleep mask. Pulling it from the drawer, she places it on over her eyes, lays back, and manages to pass out again, sleeping the whole day away.

At some point around what she suspected was dinner time her boyfriend nudges her, gives her a kiss, and asks her if she wants anything to eat. As her stomach is still queasy from throwing up so much over the last 24 hours she opts for some chicken noodle soup. Not wanting her to move, lest she throws up in the bedroom, he went and got the soup for her and resting carefully beside her, feeds the ailing woman her dinner. DD was touched by the consideration and listened intently as her lover told her when to open her mouth so that he could make sure she got her meal and so she didn't have to take off the sleep mask as she still had a mild headache. Only when DD was full did her lover get her another painkiller so she could get some more rest and feel better the next day.

It was during the late hours of the night that DD woke up feeling quite reinvigorated for the first time in the past 24 hours. It was dark in the room and as she had never put anything on she was still naked from the previous night's activities. Beside her was her lover, his warm body was at least naked from the waist up. Daniella reaches over and finds that he is as naked as she is. Daniella reaches over and touches his manhood with her fingertip. His cock was resting between his legs but something about her soft touch brings it back to life in a matter of moments. Even in the darkness DD's eyes can make out the shape and can tell that it is already half hard. DD traces the shape of her lover's cock, running her finger up the underside. She can feel the veins in it as it hardens for her. She takes hold of it in her right hand and it twitches in her hand.

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