W-what's going on!

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"Ow!" I yelped as I felt someone touch my forehead. Kokichi, Kaito, Kaede, and several other people were staring at me as I was passed out, still laying in the carriage. 

"A-are you okay, Shuichu!?" Kaede's mother-like tone rang in my ears. 

I widened my eyes to see more clearly, and slowly nodded my head, still feeling nauseous. Kokichi had backed a little away, arms crossed. 

Kaito took my arm and lifted me up to try and stand. I slowly got my footing back.

Kaede huffed. "I told you that Ouma was no good!" 

I ignored her. I tried to reach for my hat to pull it down over my eyes but I found myself reaching for nothing. Huh? Where had my hat gone!

I looked around confused, gripping the air above my head. I had no memory of what had happened. The last thing I remember is boarding the ride...

Kaito sighed. "Let's get you home for now." He said impatiently as always. 

"And for you," Kaede bossily said to Kokichi, "Stay out of our way!" Then she turned around and led us toward the exit of the busy park.

No words would come to my mouth as I reached my arm back for Kokichi, who was looking at us. I tried to make eye contact but my vision went blurry and all I could see was the pale sky.

I heard a car door close as Kaito put me in his new ride. Kaede stayed in the backseat with me, making sure I would be alright on the way back to the apartments. 

I got dragged up the stairs and somehow Kaito had the keys to my room. Kaede closed the door behind us as Kaito gently set me down on the loveseat. Kaito left the room as Kaede stroked my forehead with her hand. 

I felt so so tired and the softness of the sofa felt so comfy. I snuggled down into it as I heard the door closed and Kaede's pink skirt leave the room. Once again, I drifted into a more suitable sleep.

It was morning. The sun shown brightly into my eyes that I laid back down for a second to adjust. When I stood up to grab some water, I felt as if I were to puke. 

I quickly shuffled over to the mini fridge and grabbed some water, as I felt too sick to make myself some apple tea. 

As I turned around with water in hand, I saw a small slip of paper under my door. I carefully walked over and picked it up. It read, 

Dear Shuichi, 

I want to apologies for being so awkward at the park and I hope you recover quickly! My number is ###### and I hope to see you at school!

From,   Kokichi :P

That was nice of- WAIT WHAT.

I looked at my phone to check the time. It was 10:08. Omg school started today what am I going to do. If I hurry I can make it for lunch... 

I quickly ran to my bed and drawer to find the uniform. Crap! There's a tie! This will take me ages. 

By time I was fully prepared, it was 11:00. I rushed out the door and down the steps. Kaito- no Maki will definitely kill me!

Hopefully by time I get there everyone will be in the lunch room eating. 

I arrived on school property and made my way to the doors. It was 11:30. Perfect! Everyone should be at lunch.

I rushed to the main office for a tardy slip for my home room teacher. Ugh my teacher is Mr. Karasuma what a pain. 

When I got to the office I apologized so deeply but the lady there just gave me a dirty look and aggressively handed me my tardy slip. 

The Phantom Thief of Love (SaiOuma fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now