S T O R Y 1

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This is the first chapter so yeah
Tw (can really mean anything so just read with caution)

First person point of view
I had been sitting in this cell for a few days now. I was due to go to court soon. I was accused of being a witch because of my love for mushrooms and my love of caring for animals. It has been a grim couple of days, not much water very little sunlight and barely any food only stale bread rolls, to be fair it is better then nothing I am glad im being fed. Just these last couple of days have been very grim thinking of the out come of this majoity of people that are accused are never seen again and I'm scared thats going to happen to me. I don't want to die I have kids and a husband. I guess life just doesn't agree and doesn't want me to be happy.

"Get up." A gruff voice says. It was very deep and very uncomforting. What was I expecting though.

Reluctently, I follow after him wiping off the dirt on my outfit. It was a short walk to where I assume the court room is. There was a stand that was big enough for 5 people there, there of course had 5 snobby looking guys sitting up there. 'You've got to love their equality' I thought to myself. I stood there quietly.
Them examining me, pateronising me. They all gave each other a curt nod before turning back to me.

"You are guilty." They all say in unison.

The one in the middle the snobbiest looking one gave me a face of fake pity. It was disgusting.

"You'll be exectuted in two days, you will be fed 3 meals a day good food in the name of god. Until then back to your cell. You mustn't have any vistor in the next day and your execution will be public showing what will happen to other witches. Now off you go" He said, a guard grabbing my arm.

We walked back in silence, as expected. Back to the cell I go. I hope my family is ok, and doesnt believe them. I didn't do anything bad, but here I am. Two days have passed by now it seemed to be night i'd just had my last known  meal. I almost cried. They'd finally come to collect me for my execution, but i guess life goes on.
They had grabbed me harshly and pulled me along to the execution place. I was standing there for a moment no one was looking well the guards weren't so I ran.

I ran and ran. There were beautiful flowers surronding me as I got to the flower field. there we're chrysantemums, Allium, roses, sunfowers, daisys you name it they were probably there, but the beauty was ruined by me running in it and almost a whole village as well. The villagers holding forks with fire on it poeple with axes, I kept running. Hoping one day I'd see my loves again. I knew that wouldn't be soon, but I could only hope it would

So my loves, goodbye. Please be happy without me and I wish you the best. To my little ray of sunshine I love you.
This may be the end or it may not.

Words- 559
Yes the bare minimum for the first chapter, these are origninal characters and no this hasn't been edited if anyone wants to be my editor that fine, just hit me up ig. there may be another chapter out tomorrow?
I have about 4 planned
BYE for now my litlle fruity pebbles (dont ask where that came from)

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