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          I wake up to see my parents sit on my bed. I look around the room to see Andy and Donna is there too. And of course Astrid and Derek is here. Now i'm in trouble.

''Great, you're all here''

          I say as i sit up on the bed. 

''What were you thinking?''

          My dad gets up and starts shouting while pacing around the room. 

''Why would you go to that lunatic?''

''He's not a lunatic, he's brainwashed dad''

          I have tears in my eyes once again.

''And i can bring him back, i know i can''

         Donna comes to my side and carases my hand. 

''We know you can and that's why we're letting you do it''


          My dad stops pacing. 

''That's insane''

''She won't be alone, Andy will be with her''

''But that's still insane,''

''He holds important information that we can use, it would be nice to get him on our side''

''But i don't want to use my daughter to get this information''

          Not gonna lie. It feels kind of nice. To know my parents, my dad, still cares about me. Maybe i did overreact at first. I mean they didn't tell me anything becuse they tried to protect me. Just like he's trying to protect me right now. 

''Can we have some privacy and discuss this as a family?''

          My mom asks, as if she knows what's on my mind. All of them leave. I am left with my parents. My mom looks at my dad, expecting something from him. He sigs and sits on the edge of my bed. He puts his hand on top of mine.

''I just want you to be safe pumpkin''

          He hasn't called me that in  a long time. I kind of missed it. Feels nice to hear it again. 

''I know you want whats best for me but i will be fine dad, you have to trust me''

''I trust you, it's him that i don't trust'' ''He's one of them''

''Not anymore, now he's one of us'' ''He went against his own kind just to help me and now i want to repay him that''

''And so what? Am i supposed to close my eyes to the fact that he almost strangled you?''

''No, dad, that was my own fault, to big steps, too fast'' ''But now i will be careful, i will take baby steps with him and Andy will be there too''

          My dad looks convinced enough. 

''Come here''

          He says with a smile and opened arms. I smile and hug him. My mom joins the hug too. 

''Thank you''

''But if he hurts you, i will personally make his life a living hell''

''You won't need to do that''

          I chuckle. I love this moment. It almost feels like none of this has happened. Like my home was never attacked. Like that time when i thought my dad was a company owner and mom his secretary. I know it sounds weird but if i could, i wouldn't change a thing that has happened to me. Because if my house was never attacked, i wouldn't have met Ben, Astrid and Derek. Who are now one of the most important people of my life. And i will do anything to protect them from anything and anyone. 


BYE :)


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