EMT story

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My name is Abby and I'm 22 years old. I am in med school right now and to pay for some of my bills I work as an EMT. I love it, because we are a really great team at the station. Michael is a medic, the oldest in the team(47 years), Simon is a paramedic(32) and Luke(36) is working in the ED of the public hospital. We also have Anna(24) and Thomas(25) who are students in med school like me.

Today is a really sunny day, so I expect to have a good day, but you never know. Since we usually get the hard cases( like car accidents, strokes and stuff like that), we are 3 on the ambulance. Today I'm with Michael and Luke.

I am playing Monopoly with Simon, Luke and Anna when a call comes in.

"We have a street fight between 2 men" Michael shouts, and I immediatly get up and run to the ambulance. I go to the passanger seat, but Michael is already there, so I got no other option than to go in the back of the ambulance.

Soon, we arrive at the scene where a couple police officers greet us.

"The one in the red shirt has more injuries" one of them says, pointing to a man on the ground.

I get my medical bag and when I approach him, I see blood on his face and his hands.

"Sir, can you tell me your name?"
"Leave me alone, you bitch!"
"Don't you dare speak to her like that" Luke says, coming with the gurney
"We are gonna get you in the ambulance to stop the bleeding and then to the hospital" says Michael, lifting him up.
Luckily, he had just a broken nose and a couple of bruises on the hand, along with a cut on his lip.

"Michael, come here quick!" I hear Simon shout.
"What is it?"
"We need your help on this!"

Michael leaves me and Luke in the ambulance and goes to the other one.
"Guys, I'm gonna ride with them on this one!"
"Alright" Luke says.

I am kind of scared to be alone in the back of the ambulance with this man, but I don't have a drivers licence so it's my only option, considering we can't let a patient alone with all the medication we have there.
I begin to fill his chart with the injuries he has.

"Sir, I am going to put you an IV"
"You want to put a needle in my arm? No fucking way" he said, and I considered waiting to get to the hospital, when I feel a hand strangulating me.
"I'll kill you, bitch!"

I can't breathe and I try to scream and get his hand away, but I don't succeed.
My head and neck hurt, and I try really hard to get some air in my lungs.
I try to reach the box where we keep seringes with sleeping substances, in an attempt to escape his tight grip, but  it's too far.

My vision gets blurry, my brain isn't receiving enough oxygen...

All of a sudden, the ambulance stops.
At first, I thought Luke saw what was happening, but then no one came to open the doors so I realized we arrived at the hospital and I was supposed to open them.

After 2 seconds, the back of the ambulance turns black and the last thing I hear is a man laughing.

Luke POV
We arrived at the hospital and I got out of the ambulance and went to help Abby with the gurney.
When I see that no one opens the doors, I open them. Inside, I see the man strangulating Abby, her face red and her body lifeless.

"Leave her alone!" I scream and quickly remove his hand from Abby's neck.
A doctor waiting for us restrains him while I pick Abby up from the floor. I take her pulse and immediatly panic. I should have never let her alone with this man, not after how he spoke with her at the scene.

But there is no time for regrets. I carry her into the ED, screaming for help. I can't lose her.

Immediatly, a nurse and a doctor approach me, pointing to a free bed. I put her there, connecting her to the monitors. I call her name and rub her sternum, trying to wake her up. She looks now really pale.
"Luke? Where am I? What happened?"

Abby POV
I woke up in a hospital bed, hooked up to a monitor, a blood pressure cup and an IV.
I saw Luke by my side, looking very panicked.
"Luke? Where am I? What happened?" I asked him, confused.
"You were atacked"

Then I remembered. Trying to reach the box, my head throbing, my lungs empty and the faint.
"They took him to an isolated aria and put handcuffs on him" Luke assures me as he sees my scared face.
"Just try to breathe and you'll be fine"
"Get some sleep if you want, darling" the nurse says.

Luke POV
After seeing she was ok, I went to the waiting room where I saw the others waiting.
"What happened?"
"That man atacked her and left her unconcious"
"But she is okay now"  I assured them.

If only was I more careful. If only I wouldn't let her in the back. Insted, I could have said to Michael to come with us.I was so angry at myself.This never should have happened.

I felt my chest getting tighter from all the panic and suddenly, I felt really dizzy.
I started to go to the bathroom, my breathing increasing with every step. I washed my face, my hands were shaking.

The door opened, revealing Michael
"You okay?"
" No, I-I'm so mad a-at myself" I said, trying to regulate my breathing.
" Hey! Luke! Look at me! Stop being so hard on yourself"
"If anyone has a fault, it's that ass"
"Here" he gave me a paper bag to breath in.
After a few minutes, I calmed down and got out of the bathroom with Michael. We went to see Abby and she was alright, surronded by all of the other guys.
"Thanks, Luke, for taking care of me" she said.
"I'll always try to" I said with a smile.

Again, please vote your favourite story out of these and send me requests if you want. I hope you enjoyed this and again, I'm sorry for any gramatical mistakes, I'm still learning english.

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