"thank you.."

30 2 1

Type: hurt/comfort.


Also,this might be rushed and a short chapter cause I'm a person who doesn't write long chapters cause my brain decides to stop- so ye..
This is a re-write for chapter one,"I'm sorry.." will be deleted after this is uploaded,cause I honestly think chapter 1 sucks.

Wiburs pov:
The stream was finally coming to an end,what a long day I've had-..
Everyone said their goodbyes and eventually left,tommy didn't leave?
"Tommy,why haven't you left?"
"Oh,um just wanted to ask how are you doing man? Cause you were spacing off quite alot"
"..Honestly,this is the most shitty day I've experienced so far,my fuckin' anxiety is acting up again"
"I'm sorry king,I hope it gets better.."
I chuckled.
"Thanks tommy,it means alot to me that you asked."
"It's no problem to be honest,I'm always open to talk."

Tommy is a great kid,I'm honestly very proud of him and he's my best friend, I've always thought it was depressing that a 18 year old would be friends with a man who's 26 years old,but it's not.
Tommy always stood by me,always stuck with me,was here for me,and I honestly am so so grateful for him,he has a bright future ahead of him.
"Thank you..also,hey tommy? Can we hangout sometime soon?"
"Sure big man! I'll let you know when I'm free,alright?"
" 'Aight,see you tommy"
"See you wil"
As you can see it was very very very very short- heh..ye
The next chapter will be Fluff,absolute fluff hehe
It will be about their hangout lol, I just wanna apologize bc this was shot af so I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry- I deeply apologize.
Word count : 318

Take care of your self alr? Cya on the next chapter, love ya!

      Nobody <3

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