CHAPTER ONE - Eloise Taulner and Social Situations

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Eloise Taulner was never good at social situations. They stressed her out, talking to someone with no clue what to say next. Being shy was easier, no need to search for conversation from a stranger.
        People often called her the Lonely Duckling. She could sprout into a swan at any moment, but she was just too shy. Swans were graceful, talkative birds. However, she only held the personality of a duckling. A bird normally left out of things for being too 'odd'. That's what she was.

        Eloise Taulner was never good at social situations. She avoided shopping due to how crowded stores can become. Ordering her groceries online was easier for her. She never went to social gatherings but when forced, she'd even ignore familiar faces.
        Though she rarely went out, she wasn't always mourning the loss of her talkative side. She had hobbies, which helped her relax. Mainly fencing.
        . . . I know it's weird. A shy girl like her practices fencing? Odd.
        However, it lets her focus. It helps her to calm down and breathe. To Eloise, fencing is more than a duel. It's an olympic practice. It's a way to regain focus and God . . . it makes her feel alive. For a shy girl like Ms. Taulner, fencing is exhilarating. It lets her experience all the feelings and emotions she'll never get to experience with a friend . . . or more.


        She had her hair fixed into a neat bun accompanied with a wavy yellow dress. Holding her small brown wallet in her hand, she pushed open the café doors.
        A tiny ring echoed throughout the coffee shop as she entered, the employee at the register flashing a warm smile at her. Eloise froze up, not knowing what to do next. The small café was beautifully decorated, the walls a warm, dark brown color. The menu was displayed upon a chalkboard over the counters. Posters of people drinking coffee were hung up on the walls, presenting cheesy quotes such as 'Coffee is a hug in a mug' and 'I never laugh until I've had my coffee'. To top it all off, a slight smell of espresso flooded the café
, making the fencer crack a small smile. Feeling a bit more confident than usual, she walked over to the cashier and gave her order.


        Maybe Eloise Taulner is better at social situations than she thought. She made a few mistakes when giving out her order, sure, but she thinks it went smoothly. Her drink was delicious, and they even spelt her name correctly on the cup! Could her day get any better?

        Then, the bell rang.
        A girl walked through the door, around Eloise's age, and she was more beautiful than anyone could ever imagine. Magenta hair trapped into two pigtails with black string bows. She was wearing a purple dress, a makeup bag strapped to her side. She walked with ease, confident in every step.
        Eloise was speechless. Blown away from her strong presence, Ms. Taulner considered her surroundings. She knew who this was. Everybody did. She's been to Hollywood!
        "Thank you Ma'am!" The girl in the purple dress spoke, grabbing her drink. She went to take a seat, sitting down a few tables away from Eloise.
        Eloise observed her from afar, positive she knew her. Not personally, but she was world-wide famous! She was . . .
        "Excuse me Ms. . . .?" The fencer trembled, trying to make an attempt to talk to someone for once.
        "Hm?" The girl set down her drink, turning to face Eloise. "What's up?"
        "I . . . um . . ." She fiddled with her thumbs before blurting out, "are you Diana Venicia? The cosmetologist? I just wanted to say that . . . I love your work. A lot . . ."


        Eloise Taulner isn't very good at social situations. However, she isn't cowering behind a brick wall for once. She's trying to put herself out there.
        For longer than she can remember, she's always related to the story of The Ugly Duckling . . . without the swan part. She never believed she could become a swan.
        But this story of the Lonely Duckling and the Beautiful Chameleon, . . . the fencer and the cosmetologist. Maybe she could relate to that too. Maybe it won't put her down this time, maybe it'll help her. It can help her become confident, like the idol standing right in front of her.
        Diana Venicia and Eloise Taulner.
        Confident together.

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