CHAPTER TWO - Eloise Taulner and DMs

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“Are you Diana Venicia? The cosmetologist? I just wanted to say that . . . I love your
work. A lot . . .”

Eloise Taulner was pacing around the dorm room, her head in her hands. “Was that a good approach? I might’ve messed that up . . . I think I weirded her out, my idol, oh no no no!”
Her friends, who she hardly hung out with, stared at her with awe. She had an odd friend group constructed of a marksman, a lawyer, a matchmaker, an influencer, and a pro gamer. They all stuck out while Eloise was usually forgotten, her quiet presence never being loud enough for
them to see. However, friends need each other. Eloise needed them right now.
Kai Monteago, a well-known influencer, glanced up from his phone and shrugged. “I don’t know El. If that was me, I’d surely be a little creeped.”
A red haired girl nudged him, shaking her head. Cassidy Ambers was her name, a pro gamer with millions of subscribers. “Shut it Kai, don’t make the poor girl feel bad! Look, if I was her, I’d be so happy. You don’t even know! I love meeting my fans in public!” She crossed her arms and grinned, making Eloise sink down to the floor.
She sat down, knees up to her chest. “Ugh, but I completely ruined it . . .” She mumbled. “I couldn’t speak properly, I was just so taken aback! I didn’t think I’d ever be able to meet a celebrity, especially someone like her . . . I flunked it.”
Wolfgang Akire, a lawyer who’s helped back up several people in trial, scooted closer to Eloise. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. For a lawyer, he’s a very sweet person. Nobody has ever seen the bad side of him, if he even has one. “Shush dear, don’t think like that.
Stay confident, I’m sure you made a great impression.”
“Yeah, I bet it wasn’t so bad.” Desmond Hall, the marksman, patted her head, his other hand resting on his hip. “What’d she say after all that?”
Toshiko Kayura jumped up, her fan covering her mouth. “Ooh yes! Perhaps it could be the start of a new love story?” She chuckled, embracing the matchmaking side of her.
Eloise cracked a tiny smile before pulling out her phone, opening an app. “We talked for a bit . . . apparently she had a nail appointment so we couldn’t talk for long . . . but she did give me her insta. She told me to send her a DM . . .”
Kai quickly took her phone, searching up Diana’s name. “This her?” He showed off her profile, Ms. Taulner nodding in approval. He opened her messages and immediately looked bummed out. “You haven’t sent her a text yet? Dude, reach out to her!”
The fencer took back her phone and stared at the empty message box. “No . . . no I can’t do it. She won’t remember me, she’ll just think I’m some creepy guy trying to hit on her!”
Desmond held out his hand. “Give up the phone for a sec.” She complied, passing it on to him. He began moving his fingers across the keyboard. “What do you want it to say Right now I got ‘Hey Diana, It’s me. Eloise. We met at the coffee shop, remember?’” He read the message out loud, Eloise shaking her head.
“No . . . no. The first part is fine I guess . . . just take out the remember. It feels weird to say. Just . . . I don’t know. Do whatever . . .” She brushed her hair with her fingers nervously.
“Alright, fine by me.” The marksman kept tapping the letters, forming a sentence. Eventually, he clicked send. “Mkay. I got it, check it out.” He passed the phone back to Eloise, her eyes widening.
“‘Want to grab some coffee later? I’m free Thursday.’?!” She read aloud. “I . . . I’m not free Thursday! Well, I am but . . . I can’t just ask her out! That’s so weird!”
Cassidy shrugged. “I think it’s a great approach. Get to know her, yeah?”
Eloise began to shake, her mind swirling like crazy. “But . . . I don’t need to get to know her! I’m not ready to go out with people yet . . . especially a celebrity!” Right as she finished
talking, three dots popped up on her phone screen. “. . . She’s typing. Oh my goodness, she’s typing . . . !” She took one hand away from the phone and flapped it, nervous for what it was going to say.
Everyone huddled around her, watching as the dots eventually formed into a text.
“Sure, that sounds fun. I’ll be there at 10:00am. See you :).”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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