New kid on the block

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It was my 13th birthday when my family had finally moved into the duplex in Dallas. 13328 Southview Ln, Dallas Texas. Little did I know that this was where I would become the person I am today. Anyway, it was my 13th birthday and I had a party with a few friends from my old neighborhood and some family.

After my parents had gone to sleep, I received my present from my friend Hunter. This was the moment that changed my life forever.. He went to his bag and pulled out a strange wad of soapy T-shirt and undid all the folding and procured an altoids box. The room instantly filled with the scent of the dankest weed I've ever smelled in my entire life. He gave me the dime bag and told me the gift was from his homegirl. This was my first time smoking pot and I obviously didnt have anything to smoke it with, so I improvised and took an empty Caprisun pouch and folded it long ways then width wise. I put the nug in the makeshift bowl and smoked all of if it by myself.

Ironically, we happened to be watching Cheech and Chong's "Up in Smoke" when I finished smoking. After I came back inside, I remember sitting on my futon with a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper and chugging it. After that I blacked out, but according to my friends I was doing some weird upright jolt thing , looking around the room and saying "I need the juice", all in my sleep. I woke up the next morning feeling lost as hell, but happy.

The next few days were kinda lonesome and melancholy as I was new to the neighborhood and new to the school in the middle of the second semester. But then one day I met my bestfriend who I consider my brother, Richard. He lived right across the street from me and it was an instant click when we met because we were practically the same person. We both liked the same stuff and in about a week I was staying over at his house for the night. While hanging out we started talking about weed and how he wanted to smoke. I devised a plan to steal some from my Dad's stash. After the heist, I made a wooden pipe that ended up feeding us the weed instead of getting us high. Every time we tried to take a hit, we would suck up particles of burning grass, which ended up giving both of us crashing headaches. That, and the fact that the weed was that mexican dirt bullshit weed.

That was the start of a everlasting friendship. We still hang out almost every other weekend. We're brothers in my opinion.

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