8th grade fuck ups

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8th grade was a rough year for me for a number of reasons. I was dealing with peer pressure and constant nagging from this little gang or whatever the hell you wanna call it. They really wanted me to join but I wasn't down with what they we're promoting and my mom would've beat my ass any how.

Because I didnt join the gang, I was given a lot of shit at school. There was this one day where a gang member cut my leg with a scoring blade in an art class.
After class ended, I chased the kid out of the room and beat him down in the hallway in front of everyone. I never got caught for that and I still, to this day, have the scar of where the kid cut me.

Another instance of something the gang did was the whole "drug deal" bullshit. One of the gang members wanted me to pass along a dimebag to his homeboy. To appease the guy and get him off my back, I did it. Now mind you we're at school. The kid I passed it along to was showing off and got caught and we were both arrested and sent to alternative school. I got 3 months of probation and 10 hours of community service for that.

After I got out of alternative school, we moved to Garland and I finished out 8th grade in Bussey Middle School.

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