6-shopping time

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Zoey's p.o.v
Kian pulled out the camera and put it up in the air on an angle so that him Sam and I were in the video. Sam smiled and went back to his phone and JC pulled into a parking spot.

I pulled off my seat belt and jumped on Kian licked his face so the camera could see and I grabbed the vlogging camera then jumped out the car before he even realized what was happening.

I run out with the camera facing me and in the background Kian is chasing me while I'm laughing and I run ahead of the other boys and instead of going onto the path I see a bush and decide to jump.

I jump over the bush while screaming out 'NINJA MODE'. I could hear the boys chuckling in the back and I look back into the camera and saw Kian nearly about to catch me.

I ran and before I make it into the door I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and spin me around.

We both puff trying to catch our breath then he look at my hand and grabs his camera licks my face yelling 'EVEN.'

I laugh while scrubbing my face, he looks back to the camera saying that we are going shopping then the beach and to like and subscribe to the video.

He turns it off and we walk into the massive shops. And the air conditioning is refreshing and I can't wait to get some clothes and heaps of other stuff.

3 hours later.

We put all of our bags in the boot of the car all 23 of them. 9 of them were mine and they rest were the boys. I'm sorry I like shopping.

I had a fans come up to me and ask for autographs photos and some were freaking out nothing out of the ordinary. The boys also had a few fans as well.

I yell shotgun and jump into the front seat before anyone else could. Jc looks at me just like I was a little kid but then rolls his eyes and hops into the front.

I crank the radio and sing the song 'five more hours'. Then I hear Trevor say that it's time to go to the beach.

Oh crap. What am i going to do? I don't have swimmers. And even if I did the the cuts would show and I can't go for a swim because the make up would come off my arm.

I have a brilliant idea! I know it is disgusting and mean but they can't find out. When I get there I'll just say I'm sick. If they don't believe me I'll vomit.

I used to starve for so long because I am fat but I ended up eating after JC knew something was up so I just vomited it all up nearly every night but I've stopped now.

I know how to vomit if I try I'm used to it. I should probably start again ,yeah good idea I thought.

Kian's p.o.v

I was in the middle and I was staring at Zoey. She looks really beautiful! I think I'm starting to like her a lot and I'm falling really hard and I know I shouldn't because she would never date me and JC wouldn't even let her date me.

Her facial expression seems to be changing first it was all happy then she looked worried sad panicy then she had a smirk on her face like she had an idea.

I just shrug it off and take out my phone and check twitter and Facebook. I also edit my video and post it onto YouTube. I love my fans i really do they are the best.

I've seen Zoey's channel she is so funny has the best video ideas and is really popular.

Jc pulled up into parking lot and all of us were excited but I wasn't completely sure about Zoey. She smiled and it looked happy but her eyes told me everything.

We walked down the hill and into the warm sand and i went up to Zoey and asked her what was wrong.

All she said was that she feels sick!

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