Chapter 2

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Rhaica's POV

I walk into the hotel room I shared with Levi from our bathroom in my underwear and small tank top while shoving my hands through my ratted crimson red hair, calling out his name.

"Levi, get your ass over here!"

It's the night before his big concert, and his manager- my girlfriend, Hange Zoë, wants to talk over some things with him before the show tomorrow. as I near the bed,

I step on something- someone, and find Levi on the floor, hiding underneath his bed yet once again. My face softens and I bend down to his level, using my free hand to turn his face to face me.

"Levi, what's wrong."

He pulls away from my touch and hides into himself, scooching himself further under the hotel bed. I cringe at the thought of how dirty the floor and roll myself under the bed, face to face with him.

I sigh and flick the back of his head playfully before putting my hand under his chin and making face me. I see the dark circles under his eyes and frown.

"Darlin, you need sleep."

He scoffs and looks away, a passive agressive look on his face. I growl and slap his face somewhat gently, gaining his undivided attention once again.

"What's wrong."


I look at him with my eyebrow raised, completely unamused.

"Uhuh. Which why you're under the filthy bed."

"Tch. Yes. I'm under the fucking bed because I thought a game of hide and seek would be"

He puts on a sarcastic smile and moves his hands in the shape of a rainbow.


I laugh and wrap my arms around him, feeling him tense up but then relax into the embrace. He puts his forehead on my small shoulder and wraps his arms around me in return.

"You nervous Levi?"

He sighs and his deep but smooth voice replies.

"Yes, Rhai. I'm really nervous."

I shake my head and pull away, looking into his eyes.

"You're so silly. Everyone loves you. Your voice, your everything. Darlin," I climb out from under the bed and he does the same, us both sitting on each of our beds.

"You're a prodigy, which is why I may have slipped backstage passes to the boy we met at the art studio the other day when you weren't looking."

He looked at me dumbfounded.

"What?! Rhaica! What the actual fu-"

"Hey hey, I saw the way you looked at him."

At the mention of how he was after I dragged him out, his cheeks are suddenly dusted with slight pink.

"Hahaaaa I knew it!"

I jump up and punch the air, doing little dances. He facepalms and whacks me up the head.

"I can see why you and Hange are so perfect together, you little creep."

I cackle and wiggle my fingers, making ghost noises.


He rolls his eyes and walks over to his travel keyboard. he sits down on his small stool and starts to play one of his original pieces that only I have ever heard. His piano playing is strictly a hobby, he's only a singer in his four man band. I hum along and start singing the lyrics, probably sounding terribly off key, but he ignores me as he sings them along while he plays.

"No, I won't fall down to see you cry again, no, I won't stop you from breaking my heart to win, because it's fruitless, this attempt at love, so send me back to the heavens above, hold me close and never let go of the memories that will always be, never let go."

I smile and wipe away my tears.

"It's so beautiful, Levi."

He rolled his eyes and scoffs, turning back to his piano and tuning me out.

Such a turkey bastard.

I sigh and open my suitcase, instantly seeing my white scarf. I bite my lip and cover it up with one of my low cut tees. I pull out my electric guitar and plug it in, playing my favourite song in the whole world. I sing along to my strumming, tears springing to my eyes.

"And hey sweetie,
Well I need you here tonight,
And I know that you don't wanna be leaving me
Yeah, you want it, but I can't help it.
I just feel complete when you're by my side,
But I know you can't come home till they're singing"

I stop and put my guitar down, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks. This was our mom and dad's song, the one they would sing to each other before bed. Levi and I would always watch and listen to their soft voices float through the cracks of our room door.

"Rhaica, stop crying."

I turn to see Levi peering down at me with his expressionless face once again present. He built it up after the... accident when we were younger.

I nod curtly and stand up, brushing past him and I crawl into bed.

"Turn off the lights, Levi."

And with that, I fall into a restless sleep, too excited to wait for what tomorrow has to come.

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