taking it slow

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michael's POV

its been days since lola has gotten out of our room. it depresses me how she only stays in there and not want to join everyone or anyone that comes over. Babygurl is trying to cheer everyone up but it isnt the same. 

"Daddy" baby gurl tugs at my arm sleeve

"What is it?" i ask 

"Can we go make mommy feel better?" 

"I dont think mommy wants company babygurl. but why dont we try huh?"

"Ok" she is more calm than ever and she doesnt scream like she use to im missing my family i need them back. 

we climed the stairs that led to my room and made sure we got her some orange juice also.

"daddy im hope mommy is feeling better i want to take her outside so she can see the butterflies"

"we gotta see babygirl. dont worry she will be fine" i told her trying to be positive oh god i hope she is  ok

Lola's POV

i feel to disgusted to get out of bed.  i dont want to do anything but curl up in bed and cry myself to sleep. but i always have these nightmares that i keep getting pregnant but i end up losing the baby every time. michael is too worried about me even makenzie. i really dont want to dissapoint them any more. 

knock knock. went the door of mines and michaels 

"come in" i said hoarsly 

"mommy you ok?" makenzie asks me

"yes maggieboo im fine i just feel sleepy"

"you say that all the time i ask you, mommy please come out of bed and come down stairs with us" she wines

"babygurl maybe mommy isnt feeling well right now" michael says trying to reason with her

"she is never feeling well and if mommy doesnt come out of her room then im. im. im never comming out of my room I HATE YOU!!!!"

"MAKENZIE!!!!" michael surprisingly blurts shockingly at his babygurl

makenzie starts to stomp/run to her room and slams her door. michael sighs and stares at me with a worried look in his eyes but he has no facial expression . he hasnt even ate forreal. i can tell because he was buffer when he came back for me but now all i see is my poor baby losing weight and getting more pale by the minute.

"michael why havent you been eating?" 

"that question is the same for you" 

"dont try to switch it on me now please just tell me" i plead to him still in bed

"im stressing lola. my hair is turning gray im not having an appetite im not sleeping. baby im quickly losing  focus ."

"michael im depressed. ive lost the baby we were supose to be blessed with. im too scared to try again and makenzie now hates me because im staying in bed."

"she doesnt hate you lola she is also full of emotions too. and god was telling us we werent ready to have another and wait another time for him or her to come to us."


"yes' i got out of bed and ran to him. he embraced me in a hug that was full of support and love and then now i knew i was ready to move on alittle

few months later.........


lola was finally getting better and michael is starting to gain his weight and energy back so he could help lola and his babygurl more. makenzie is now out of her room and always trying to spend time with her mom and sometimes her dad with them. 

my love belongs to you only (A michael jackson story)Where stories live. Discover now