Chapter Nine

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Hii! How's everyone?? Yo guys know the drill.."Sorry it took so long blah blah blah" Anywayssss just read the chapter!

Enjoy! :)

Btw I didn't proofread

Chapter Nine:

"And I win, again! Aha!" I throw my hands up in their air in a small victory dance. Who knew Luke would be so horrible at board games?

"Not fair, you cheated!"

"Yea right! I would never stoop as low as cheating!" I muster up the hardest glare possible at the moment. Failing miserably when seeing Luke's cheeky smirk aimed at me. My faces softens as I smirk right back at Luke. "You're a handfull you know that?"

"Oh and you aren't?"

"Will you two shut up and kiss already!" Hisses Beau from the corner of the hospital room. It's Luke's second day in the hospital. We've all pretty much set up shop, reeking havoc throughout the patient hallways. Luke is supposed to be let out this afternoon, I wouldn't be surprised if they let him out early though, the nurses have had just about enough of us all.

"Hey Beau no need to be bitter just because I have a girlfriend and you don't" Luke responds to him almost instantly without hesitation.

I freeze, my fingers squeezing tightly where Luke's are tangled with mine. Did he just say girlfriend? Judging from Beau's widening eyes he must have! Oh my god. Don't get me wrong, being Luke's girlfriend is my dream. To be able to call him mine would probably be the best feeling in the world. But so soon? We haven't even talked about it!

"Umm I'm just gonna go get some food from the cafeteria.." Beau trails off while slipping out the door. I hardly notice, I continue staring at Luke willing him with my eyes to look at me. Ever since he's said the g word he's been frozen in place, eyes wide, cheeks flaming with a blush.

Dang he looks so cute..

Luke's head snaps towards me the wide eyes replaced by slit ones and a matching grin to go with them. Oh shoot, I said that out loud didn't I. Well now I've just made a fool of myself. Great.

"Let's just pretend like you never heard that" I plead all I get is a shake of his head. "Okay, you wanna be that way? Fine. When were you planning on mentioning to me that we were dating?" This wipes the smirk off his face immediately. Ha thats what you get Luke!

"Oh..umm..yeaa..about that..I was..just kidding obviously. It was the first come back that popped up in my head." His composure seems to have come back, his shoulders relaxed, an easy smile back on his face, "Don't you worry that pretty little head of yours Olivia, we're not dating"

I can't help but feel hurt, I would have gladly been his girlfriend I just wanted to talk things through first. Him brushing it off so quickly and easily leaves me feeling like he doesn't even care. Does this mean he wouldn't want to be my boyfriend? Am I that bad?

I turn my head away for a quick second to squeeze my eyes and force the tears away, pasting a small smile on my face.

"Yea sure, obviously you were kidding. Duh I knew that.." Sparing us from awkward silence, the doctor knocks on the door and walks in. After glancing at his clipboard for a short moment he looks up and clasps Luke on the shoulder.

"Looks like your time is up here, you're all set to leave! The cast has to stay on for another two weeks or so. You'll have a couple bruises but other than that you're good to go!"

Luke lets out a wild 'woop' fist pumping the air (with his good arm). I remove my hand from his hastily, still upset about what just happened a few minutes ago. He doesn't seem to notice, too busy packing up his stuff. I begin to pick up the scattered board game silently, not really paying attention. Before I know it Luke is done and calling my name waiting in the hallway along with the rest of the group. I finish stuffing everything in the box and trail behind everyone, keeping my gaze focused on the floor.

The Tweet That Made My Heart Skip a Beat (A Luke Brooks story)Where stories live. Discover now