Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

I've never been one to have to sneak into my house, (mainly because I've never snuck out, but that's besides the point), so I guess there's a first for everything.

Even though it was midday when I finally arrived back to the cabin, the place seemed eerily dark. With all the blinds drawn at the windows and no lights turned on, I had to feel my way through the halls.

Okay I thought I was going to be yelled at right when I set foot in the door and here I am, all alone? Something is definitely going on and I'm (not so) eager to find out what it is. Surprises are definitely not my thing.

"Hello? Anybody here?" I called out to the darkness. I was answered with the sound of my own feet padding on the hardwood floor.

At this point I'm considering going back to my special tree because I'm starting to get really freaked out.

I took a deep breath and continued on my journey, in search of some small semblance of people in the house. Once I made it to the entrance of the kitchen I just about jumped a mile in the air, because of the sight that was displayed in front of me.

The whole 'crew' was standing in the kitchen with one small lamp on for light, while they had their arms crossed and stern looks on their faces. But that wasn't all, nope, they have a chair right in the front of them as if they were waiting for my entrance to interrogate me.

The option of leaving and going back to my special tree is looking even better now. I twisted on my heel and started to tip toe back towards the door hoping maybe they didnt see me, even though I'm sure they did.

"And where do you think you're going, young lady?" A stern voiced questioned me, void of emotion.

I turned back around, trying to look as innocent as possible. "Um, out?" My statement ended up coming out more like a question; what can I say, they look so intimidating right now!

"I don't think so. You are going to come sit down in this chair and get a stern talking to by us." Of all people, Daniel demanded me this while pointing at the chair in front of the group of them. I couldn't help but laugh inside at the sight; he just isn't the kind of person to be giving a lecture. But because seeing them all huddled together like that wasn't exactly heart-warming, I sat down in the chair like Daniel had asked.

"Soo.." I giggled nervously while twiddling my thumbs in a hopefully innocent way.

Madison stepped up first to express her thoughts, "You were gone for nearly four hours and didn't respond to a single one of any of our text messages. What do you have to say for yourself young lady?" She even went as far as putting her hands on her hips and cocking her head to one side.

"Well what happened was.." I coughed awkwardly because I know they're just going to scoff at my answer, "I actually fell asleep in a tree and I didn't notice my phone going off."

Luke must have felt it was his turn to speak up because he pushed to the front of the group, mirroring Madison's stance and almost yelling out his words "You fell asleep in a tree?! What the actual fu-"

Beau nudged Luke to the side then moving to put his face uncomfortably close to mine. I waited as he stared at me for longer than was expected, just cringing at the scolding I knew would come out of his mouth next.

"That's hella cool, guys, we have our own little spider monkey!" He proceeded to pinch my cheeks like I was some child. As any normal person would react, I reached up and smacked his hands away then somewhat lightly smacked him across the head.

This seemed to have lightened the mood slightly, everyone but Luke and Madison chuckled at Beau and I's interaction.

"How did you not fall out of the tree?" James questioned as the group dropped their faquedes and moved closer to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2015 ⏰

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