Part 1

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Another day in this crappy existence. My body hurts so much. I groan as I slowly uncurl my body from my position besides the dumpster. The sun is near to rising, I need to get to the school before others get there so I can at least have a shower before the day starts, get this smell off me. get the grime and dried blood of me. not that school Is overly that great, I mean it is not terrible, its warm there at least and there are books. The classes bore me. I am not learning anything new at school. But it is an escape. Yes, I am bullied a little bit but nothing can't deal with. I cop t worst at the place have to return to at night, even if most the time they do what they want then kick me out. Sometimes I get to sneak in and sleep inside but let's just say if don't go back there every day they seem to track me down and it doesn't go well. Not that going there goes well ether but you get the idea. It is not always so bad I get to eat some nights, some nights I do not even get a beating. I never know what is going to happen and that is part of their mind games.

Any way I walk through the cold dark streets of queens and head towards Middletown high school. I guess I should tell you who I am my name is Matilda Brown I am 14 years old I have long wavy blond hair and green eyes, my life is pretty shit but there are people who have it worst. I get to the gym of the school and I sigh the door is still locked. It happens I know another way in not ideal after the beatings I copped yesterday. I walk to the side of the building and slip through the small side grate that I loosened a few months ago. It gets me directly into the gym and then walk to the girls shower room. I get a bag of spare clothes from aircon vent and pick out some clean clothes thy are 2 sizes to big which is the way I like them; I feel less vulnerable like that. I will need to do some washing soon. I try not to look down at my body that is littered with scars, bruises, and cuts. I cringe as I also see my face in the mirror. Explains why it was hard to see my left eye is swollen shut and my lip is swollen. I can't even tell you what beating any of them are from, the nobs are at school or the nobs at the house.

I get dressed and sneak back out of the school I go and settle next to the heater vent on the roof relishing in the warmth and work on some of my homework. I get through it all quickly I know the content. already I just need to get the homework in for the grades. I need to keep up my top grades, they will be my only escapes. I want to go to college. I must go to college. The sun is up now kids will start rocking up in 5 10 minutes so I slowly get of the roof and walk down the street a bit before walking back to make it seem like I have walked from home. By the time I get back to the school it is starting to fill up. I make my way inside keeping my hood up and my head low, hoping to avoid a beating, I can't handle a beating today. I get to my locker and let out a little sigh of relief. I grab my book for my first class putting away what I will not need for now. I guess my luck could not last much longer though huh I can feel something off and before I know it my locker door is slammed shut only just missing my hand.

"Look who we have here it is the feral fat orphan child; god you are so damn ugly it is offensive" Nora says loudly to her minions and they all laugh I sigh a little leaving my head down. The taunts go on for another 2 minutes and I see a hand raise making me tense up here it comes, another beat down I really do not know if I can handle this today.

"Hey nope don't you dare" a voice says confusion wash over me. no one ever stands up for me. I glance up a little I see 2 boys and a girl they look older but slightly familiar. I just can't place them.

"leave" the girls says a little and I drop my head the others leave and I'm about to leave aswell.

"hey, hold on" a male voice says and I stop turning back but keeping my head down. waiting for whatever comes next.

"Is your name Matilda brown?" the girl ask and I give a small nod, wondering that the hell is going on. "Alright cool we found you, I'm peter, this is MJ and this is Ned, listen Mr Harrington asked us to find you, there is a test today for the sophomores and above but he wants you to like apparently you are super smart and he umm, we had to find you" the boy peter starts to ramble but is interrupted by the girl MJ.

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