Part 3

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Tony's POV

I can't bite this back anymore, this last incident watching Matilda terrified when I told her the time, she looked so scared, then she looked at us as the elevator door was closing as if she wanted to scream for help.

"Tony a word" Natasha says breaking me from my worries I don't really want to talk I need to really know what is going on with Matilda but Natasha's voice isn't leaving room for arguing I follow her to kitchen.

"She is been abused" is all Natasha says making my head snap up looking at her she looks very serious. I was leaning towards that but I really didn't want it to be true.

"Are you sure?" I ask her. I just can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt a kid especially someone like Matilda she is so sweet but all the signs are pointing, the bruising, the fear, the uncertainty.

"I only met her for like 2 hours tony but the signs are there the not looking anyone in the eye, the way she scoffed her food, the way she looked like she was going to panic every time someone was loud, the way she sat on the floor and stood away like she didn't deserve to be included. She looked like she was in pain then the fear of been scanned by Friday. Then when she was leaving Tony, I haven't seen fear like that in a while." Natasha says and that was just the last 2 hours. I know she right I just don't know what to do next. I can't just swoop in and take her away from the situation. Plus, whom says the foster care system is any better. Nope I can't think like that she clearly isn't safe in that house. Natasha and I talk about what we need to do, we can make a call to CPS but we need some proof. Natasha, suggest I run a background check on her parents.

"Dad I'm going on patrol" Pete says coming in grabbing some water and protein bars.

"Alright bud it's a school night, be home by 11 if you can't call me" I say and he goes to walk of but stops

"Do you think someone is hurting Matilda, I think she gets bullied at school MJ, Ned and I try and step in but we only see her before school normally sometimes we track her down at lunch." Pete says looking worried I should have thought about his super strength. I think this goes beyond bullying though.

"I think so bud but I don't want you to worry ok, let us adults manage it, but if you see something happen at school, get MJ to roast them hard for us ok" I say trying to lighten the mood a little. Pete smiles a little but then look offended.

"hey, I can defend her" he says and me and Natasha both give him the same look.

"baby spider, your come backs are terrible you are to kind and you only fight bad guys and I'm hoping the bullying and hitting is coming from girls and not boys, if it is boys ill go and deal with them myself girls also because I can't have MJ getting in trouble I like that girl" Natasha says I can tell she is getting angry but she is right if any of those stupid boys are laying a hand on that kid especially if she is already copping it at home.

"She is right underoos you are to kind, now get out there and kick some bad guys arses, let us worry about Matilda ok" I say giving the boy a quick hug and pushing him out of the room.

"you a such a dad" Natasha says and I look at her rolling my eyes, of course I'm such a Dad, he is my kid. I don't want him to worry about such adult things, he already worries about so much been spiderman, if I could stop him I would it's too much for a teenager to worry about. He would be going on dates with MJ and partying and getting frunk instead, he is getting stabbed and shot at and investigating weapon trading and worrying about his family that he has made here since he has lost his real family. It isn't fair but that's life, so if I can convince him not to worry about Matilda and let us adults deal with it I will.

I head to my office and go with what Natasha says and do some back grounds checks on Matildas family. Let's just say by the end of it I may need a new laptop, if Friday didn't lock me out of my suits there would be a few dead people on my hands tonight. Seriously this world is fucked up. Her parents are in jail for child endangerment, child abuse charges, child neglect, drug charges, child pornography charges and murder she was put in foster care at the age of 4. She has been in 7 different foster homes and removed each time, I can't find much information on these placements but some of the reports talk about her coming back with broken bones, cuts and bruises. The thing that scares me it is like she has dropped of the CPS Rader after this last placement and all her other placements where in Texas.

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