Part 4

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Matilda has been in surgery for 2 hour. I hate not been able to do anything. Is this how Pepper feels when I do stupid shit and end up injured. Is this how Pepper feels when I go out on missions? if it is I need to apologise to her. I guess I do know the feeling I feel like this when I'm alerted to the fact Peter is injured and I can't see him but At least when Peter gets hurt, I know 98% if the time he will heal on his own. I understand why I feel like that with Peter he is my son, but Matilda, she is my intern, I do not get it. I mean she has weaselled her way into my heart, she is just so sweet. So smart, defenceless, special. Matilda is special. I just don't understand so much as to why. Matilda is also very human, she has no powers, she isn't superhuman, she is a defenceless human. She is so fragile. Why would anyone want to hurt her, hell why would anyone hurt any child. I just God damn it I hate most the people in the world. I don't know if I'm ready to be a father to someone so fragile, what if I hurt her by accident, what if something I do results in her been hurt. The operating screen opens and they wheel Matilda out they settle her into a room. I rush over to her. one look at how small she looks in that hospital bed with her face busted up, the cords and tubes coming of her body I am reminded that nobody and I mean nobody is taking my daughter away from me. She belongs in this family, she will be safe, we will all keep her safe.

"Tony, she will be ok physically, we have patched her up, her brain bleed hasn't gotten bigger, the sedation should wear of in the next few hours, but we will be keeping her on pain medication that will leave her rather groggy for the next few days." Bruce says and I nod turning to everyone who came out of surgery.

"thankyou, so much" I say to them and they give me a nod. Dr Cho says she is going to get some rest she will stay at the tower tonight as will 2 nurses who will rotate sleep and caring. Bruce will stay here until Dr Cho gets some rest.

"Wait Dr Cho, can you wait 20 more minutes, they need a rr. Kit done" I say not been able to say the words. Dr Cho seems confused but then clicks on and nods.

"Bruce we will step out for now, ill grab detective Georgie" I say and Dr Cho nods. Bruce and I leave and we grab Detective Georgie and she heads in.

I have been sitting by Matildas bed for 4 hours now just holding her hand. Listening to the heart monitor.

"Come on kiddo I need you to open your eyes for me so I can at least know you okish" I say but nothing I start talking about how she needs to wake up because I need her to finish her invention so she can change the world. I tell her about how me Pepper and Pete want to adopt her, I tell her about how excited Pete is about been a big brother. How she needs to wake up so she can keep up her Perfect GPA, she needs to wake up so she can continue to learn about the world and finally to learn about what an actual family is all about, I need her to wake up because this family has a lot to teach her about how family look out for each other, has each other's back, protect each other, love each other and fight with each other but at the end of the day will never leave each others side or leave anyone behind. There is still no reaction I let out a sigh and rest my head on the edge of the bed. I hear a quiet groan and there is movement from the bed. I snap back to sitting and see that Matilda opens her eyes but they snap shut, she is waking form the aesthesia.

"Hey kiddo its Tony, you are safe, you are safe" I repeat a few times, her movements are sluggish. She goes to take out the oxygen tube.

"hey Matilda leave that in kiddo its helping your breath for now, you are safe, you are at avengers tower, in the med bay, no one will hurt you, no one can hurt you any more, you are safe" I say taking her hand away from her face keeping my hand near her hair gently stroking the top of her head hoping to comfort her some. She finally opens her eyes looking around she seems so confused.

"Hey kiddo" I say when her eyes land on me, she looks so scared and looks like she is about to cry but blinks them back.

"I bet your confused right now, spiderman found you in an alley way, your foster parents are currently in police custody ok, they can't hurt you any more, I won't let them I need you to understand that, I won't let them hurt you, none of us will ok" I say hoping my voice is some what conforting and not official she almost relaxes a little when I say they can't hurt her but then panics again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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