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"As much as I don't want to send you there Quackity...I don't have a choice" he spoke, Sam was a friend of Quackitys, but when it comes to work time, hes just a strict boss,They only met each other 4 years ago.
Sam was a nice guy. But he holds secrets that no one has figured out.

"I understand, Sam, can you please move on with my first task," Quackity said, patiently sitting on his chair in Sam's office. He was very concentrated. Listening and remembering every word Sam spoke. Nodding in response.

"There is a guy, his name is Wilbur Soot, or known privately as William Gold, He was once president in L'manburg. I'm gonna need you to kill him, in any way you can. It's your choice. There is a masquerade there in a couple of days. He will be there, keep an eye on him. He is not an easy target, he has his own personal limbo. He trains there and writes on the walls Try getting in, I'm giving you 2 years to finish your task, Quackity
.that's your first task. For the rest, I will get Foolish to bring you a" Sam explained, trusting Quackity with this mission.

"Understood.." Sam smiled at Big Qs answer and let him go out of his office.

"Quackity!" A voice behind him spoke, It was George, a good ol'friend. They have been friends for more than 10 years. George HAD a mission.  But he finished it.

The two boys went other ways.
After they had a peaceful talk.

August 29th 1949
Current location: L'manburg gates

It was time, he was standing at the gates of L'manburg, waiting for the person that needed to pick him up. Not a while after he came,
"Hello Quackity" "Hello, Foolish"
"Follow me, I'll take you to the house you will be staying in"

He did as he was told. L'manburg was truly beautiful...There were people all around. But there was no Wilbur Soot to be seen. They walked to the house. "Are you okay Big Q?" Foolish asked. "I'm fine, but Foolish do you have a picture of this man called Wilbur Soot?" Foolish stud for a second as he pulled out a picture from his pocket. Quackity took the photo...
Oh my...was that male beautiful. Brown hair with a white streak, red full-brown eyes, he cud stare at them for hours on end. He had an athletic body. Brown coat with a black turtle neck and training boots.

He memorized the man in seconds "Thank you, for showing me what he looks like, Foolish" He thanked me. Foolish nodded. "So he is the guy you gotta...kill, right?" Quackity sighed "Surprisingly...yes, but I have a plan"  "That's good, but be careful, you know..his family is pretty strong and wealthy" Foolish warned, Quackity let go of his long-held breath and stud in place for a second, "I will, don't worry" He gave Foolish a sweet smile, Foolish nodded and continued walking with Quackity, 

The twohad arrived at the house Quackity would be staying in.

It was a charming and fine house. Even if castles were in the middle of the city of L'manburg it was still beautiful in every way.

"I will see you later Big Q." "Goodbye Foolish.."

They spoke their goodbyes...

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