Wicked Games.

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days, months, and weeks went by not that that was a bad thing no. But no one expected that time would fly that..fast.. it's only been 13 years since the LN and LM war ended, that was..until...

"Ohh, my god! isn't that Quackity from Las Nevadas!? the owner?!!" The children questioned. "yes! it's him! what's he doing here?!" All were in shock. But really, what was the owner of the biggest city doing here, in Lmanburg...long story short, people believe he killed the past king years ago. but he is immortal and still alive. others think that it's all just a rumor and adore him for his money. That lasted a while, thus the people in town were shocked. How did the leader not die? how did William disappear? and many other questions were led on his lead. 

"The days have been long, and the days have been hard." He spoke, taking another sip of the bare black tea, the atmosphere in the whole room was depressing but soft in the light of the moon. The raindrops raced against each other, making practical sounds. His formal shoes tapped on the wooden floor. the bare yellow wings flapped as a knock was heard from the door. The man groaned. "Come in." his words came out of his mouth like lethal poison. A much taller man entered the room, closing the door behind him. Quackity turned around, meeting the eyes of William. staring at him just like he did in the past. His dark brown eyes squinted to make out the figure. William was drenched in water. some of it dripping down on the floor. before he took off his coat, hanging it as if they just made eye contact. No words came out of either mouth. "Who killed him" "Who killed who?" "Tilin. Who fucking killed Tilin." Quackity's tone was harsh, with a tint of guilt. William, who was purely not as soaked in water now because of the fan, sat on a chair near him, as he let out a deep-throated sigh. 

"Quackity, I don't know who it was, but it's someone who we both know. And we both trusted, it's best if, you take a break from this. You've lost him. You've lost your son. Or our son persay. We lost him. But not because of us. Because of someone else, You were a good father, I was not there for you or him at that time, and I strictly apologize for that. If there is something I can do, I will. Even if it costs me my life or a sacrifice." William speaks in a slow menacing tone. Quackity tried his best to not start sobbing at the thought of Tilin. his fingers trembled in sorrow. All he wanted to know was who killed him. The one treasure he got after years and years. The one thing that made him happy, how had it died that fast, He couldn't do anything but accept the fate in front. He let out a squinted sob, as he felt cold muscular arms wrap around him, And he knew exactly who it was, as he just gave in. "I'll help you, Quackity." "Wilbur, how do I know that I can trust you?" "Its simple ,chéri. You see, We know eachother quite well. Believe me or not, I remember the past like a written page of a book that was soaked in the deep depth of the sea." "I have no idea who you are." "You do, Quackity. But your just trying to forget." His voice was the truth that he couldnt deny. But it was real, there was no way William could remember something that happened decades ago. and there was no way Quackity would be able to remember either. if he did that would be amazing but. he couldnt, and he didnt want to. He didnt want to remember the cruel past life he lived as a younger boy. 

No he didnt, He wished to stay like this, not caring about what would happen earlier on. All he wanted to stay on with was his child, his husband, and his so called daughter, Tilin meant the world to him, and so did Tallulah, yeah maybe before he met Tallulah he was just a so caleld 'uncle' to her. But because he and William got engaged. he was now her father. Her dad, or papa, whatever. He just wanted to stay with those 3 people that made him feel alive and free. he hugged William back, sobbing in his arms. Such....wickedness, like a game he would call a Wicked game.

Short chapter, as I said I will be continuing this story lmao. but hopefully you guys will enjoy this one, bye for now <3

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