Chapter one

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Okay so now that I got the first chapter done and this is just like settling in or something like that but anyways



Chapter one

It was a big day for Pax Prime and for Tim; it was one of the biggest events ever. He was walking around and looking around in awed. He also signed a few things and took pictures for his fans, he also saw some of his friends, and they had some small talks here and there, but most of the time, Tim was just wondering around. His other two friends and co-workers are doing their own business and they planned to meet up later for recording.

Tim was humming happily as he was walking back to the hotel; he and his friends are staying for Pax. He sighed in relief from feeling the cool breeze brush against him and decided to do a little flying later tonight. It been awhile since he last did it, mostly because of his job and other stuff.

Looking at his watch, he saw that it was around four, meaning that he's a bit early in heading back, but he didn't mind, it's a chance to just practice his powers a bit without interruptions. Smiling, Tim continued walking to his destination.

(Ten Minutes Later)

After opening the door with his keys, Tim closed the door behind him, slowly walked to the bed and plotted onto the bed on his stomach, in exhaustion from the day. He laid there for a few second before pushing himself off the bed and took off his shirt, revealing a muscular chest with lean stomach, but not too muscular.

But the things that pop out the most was a tattoo of bat wings covering most of his back and thin scars all over his mid-section.

Then he reached out, picking up a cleaner shirt and put it on. Humming a bit, he got off the bed and walked towards the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out a water bottle and was about to open it when he got an idea.

He placed the bottle on the counter and sat on a chair, a few inches from the counter and focused on the bottle. After a few seconds later, the bottle started shaking a bit before starting floating a few inches above the counter, Tim had sweat forming on his forehead as he was concentrating on the bottle, 'Come on focus' he thought to himself as more sweat appeared as the bottle was then floating over air.

But as soon as the bottle was mid-way, the door suddenly opened, making Tim lose control and the bottle fell to the ground, and luckily the bottle was closed. "Tim, we're back" he heard his friend, Emile, called out and was glad that the kitchen was facing away from the door.

"Hey guys" Tim called back as he picked up the bottle, got off the chair and left the kitchen, seeing his two friends, mentally glad that his friends didn't hear anything.

(Night Time)

After tying his shoes, Tim looked towards his friends, who are sleeping soundly before getting off the couch and walked out of the room, silently closing the door behind him.

After walking out of the hotel, he started walking towards a direction to a place that he found earlier. After twenty minutes, he finally made it at the edge of a forest, so he looked back for a second before he moved forward. After moving through loose branches, he finally came across an open space, a few distances away from the town.

Smiling, Tim took off his hoodie, folding it and placing it where is won't be wet and walked to the center in just a shirt. As soon as he was at the center, he started to focus; he felt a rising pressure in his upper back before feeling a slight pain and a ripping sound echoed throughout the open space as huge wings burst out of his back.

Rustling his wings a bit, removing some stiffness in the muscles, he made a few experimental flaps and after the soreness was gone, he started off as a slow jog and ran, gaining speed.

Then after a few feet, he started hovering off the ground and flying farther away from the ground. He was humming the song 'I believe I can fly' as he was flying farther from the ground and closer to the sky as he was enjoying the breeze and the weightless feel.

(Few hours later)

After seeing the break of dawn, Tim landed with a thud and after flapping his wings for a few seconds before folding against his back, not ready to sink it back into his skin and walked towards his hoodie.

After grabbing his hoodie and before sinking his wings into his back, put it on, he started walking back to the hotel, stopping by Starbucks on the way there for him and the guys.


Okay so what do you guys think I know that there's not much action or something but yeah

Piper out-

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