2 - Unexpected Visitors

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(A/N: Hey again, I feel like this stories going a little bit quicker than I wanted it to go. I don't know if that's a good thing, but if you really want your smut that bad then skip a few chapters (idk if you can, this is only the second chapter I've written). Thank you, bye!)
I'm still feeling a little unsure about the Ootori guy. He's really cute and all, but would he even be into me? I'm supposed to be painting a tea set, but I can't even focus on it! All these thoughts are flying through my head about this guy. I should've stayed at Okinawa Burger for longer, but I had to help my mom with a few things. I do have his number though, so maybe I could call Kyoya? I dunno.
I've almosted finished this painting. Someone commissioned me, so they'll be coming by today to bring it to their house. They've already paid me aswell. While I'm finishing it up, I hear a lot of banging on my door. The only person that I know does this is Tamaki. I run to my front door, opening it up to see him standing there. Wait, he brought Kyoya again?! Oh shit, now I have to bring them in! Wish Mom wasn't at work right now.
"Um... hi?" I said, confused.
"Hey, Y/N! Hope you don't mind that I brought Kyoya again, he wanted to see you again," Tamaki smirked, putting his hands on his hips.
"Well, come in then." I help open the door a little wider, as Tamaki and Kyoya both took their shoes off and stepped inside. "I've gotta finish this painting, so please help yourselves to whatever you like."
I'd run back to my room, doing a few more finishing touches for my painting. I've finally finished it. I hear some footsteps coming from outside.
"You see, Kyoya? Y/N's a very good artist! They've already made their little hobby into some kind of career!" Tamaki told him, praising me.
"I see, I see," Kyoya responds, taking mental notes. "A very talented young lady. But please tell me, if this is already some sort of career, why aren't you at Ouran?"
"Even if I had the opportunity to go to Ouran though, I still wouldn't. I'm fine with my life just the way it is!" I smiled at the boys, blushing a tiny bit.
I hear Tamaki whimpering, clearly upset about what I just said. "S-so... you wouldn't even go to Ouran f-f-for me?" He asked me so sadly.
"W-what?" I yelled, blushing a lot harder. I covered my face with my hand yet again. "Just go back to the living room, I'll make tea or something."
The boys stepped out of my room. A sigh of relief flew out of my mouth. I saw the Ootori guy come back into my room. My face grew a little pinker, as he came a little closer towards me.
"What are you doing in my room?" I panicked. Kyoya put his pointer finger in front of my mouth, which shut me up.
"I told Tamaki I was going to the bathroom, so don't let him know."
"Kn-know what? What do you want?" I could feel my head burning up even more as he came closer. "Just spit it out already, Kyoya!"
"Why don't you just spit it out, Y/N? You clearly want something from me," He took a pause between his words. "Or could you possibly want me?"
He bent closer, and I leaned back a little. "Kyoya, stop! You'll ruin my painting," I cried out. I could feel his breathe on my face, which made me shiver a little bit. He pulled away.
"Well, we wouldn't want me to ruin a masterpiece, would we?"
"Masterpiece...?" I was genuinely confused for a second, but then remembered that he could be talking about the painting. "I really wouldn't do that. After all, the customer is coming by today to pick it up."
Kyoya's eyes widened quite a bit. "Say, Y/N, how many customers have you had?"
"Hmm... probably like 40 or 50? I dunno, just a rough estimate."
I could tell the Ootori wanted to know a little more. "You're just that good, no wonder." He started walking away, and I followed after him. I mean, Tamaki's still here. I don't want him to wait longer.
Kyoya's POV
Once I left Y/N's room, I joined Tamaki on the couch.
"Why did you come back at the same time as them?" He asked, clearly thinking we did something.
"Pure coincidence, I guess." He continued to stare at me like he didn't believe my words. It was pretty annoying.
Y/N went into their kitchen to make us some tea. They came back with it, and also a few snacks. I've never seen these before. "Excuse me Y/N, but what are these? And where did you find them?"
"Huh, oh! You mean the pretzels? I got them at the convenience store just down the street."
I don't know if this is just a rich people thing, but I've never had these before. Tamaki looks like he's enjoying himself with them. Y'know what, why not dig in? I grab a few and toss them in my mouth, my eyes lighting up. Y/N takes notice.
"Do you guys like them? I can get more," they asked, smiling. I nodded, and Tamaki does too. They got up off the couch, and back in the kitchen.
While their getting more food, I take a few more pretzels and gobble them right up. Once they come back, the plate they served us with is empty. They go back in the kitchen to put it in the sink. Y/N can finally take a break. They lie down on the couch in their F/C tank top. Yes, it is summertime, but at least cover up a little bit. I can't help but stare at them, blushing a little bit. Y/N it looking right back at me. I don't think they get it, but who cares? It seems that Tamaki doesn't have any romantic interest in them, so that just leaves me free to do whatever I want.
"Kyoya, you good? You keep staring at me," they asked, sitting up a little bit. Tamaki was smirking, which annoyed me quite a bit.
"No Y/N, I'm perfectly fine." I smiled it off, but my face was still pretty red.
At one point I made the boys play Uno with me. Kyoya was extremely confused, and Tamaki had to explain it to him using the words "It's a game commoners like to play!" That was the worst part of today. But the Ootori kept staring at me. What something off about me? Was my hair too messy? Was my shirt rolling off my stomach? I truly don't know, but my client did show up for her painting. She loved it, and said that paying 14,000 yen was worth it (according to google that's 110 USD). I'm still worried about something though, I'm really not quite sure.

Kyoya Ootori x Reader Lemonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن