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There was no color where I came from.
Cold stone walls,
Witnesses to my sleepless nights,
And hours of cries.
A confidante to all my secrets
I kept so close to my heart.

There was only black and white,
Like on the old TV in my dad's garage,
In the movies that were my escape as a child,
When the world suddenly felt too much.

I hid under the blanket of truth,
Grieving the slow decadence of my short-lived youth.
Hoping there'd be something, someone,
To whom I'd finally be more than no one.

And then, there you appeared.
Barged into my life, and my view was cleared,
Suddenly, the world was filled with color,
And I've no longer felt hollow.

Because I found my place, I found my people,
You pierced through my heart like a needle,
Like an arrow.

You all accepted me into your reigns,
Made your love flow through my veins.

And I'd never find words for how grateful I am,
That thanks to you all I'm seeing in color again.

This poem was originally posted as part of my Dead Poets Society fanfiction (It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero) on AO3. Check it out if you're interested! <3

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