Question // Polyam Bright Lights (Lightbulb x Paintbrush x Fan x Test Tube)

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Howdy!! Before we get this show on the road, a bit of a TW:

- Alcohol (Lightbulb is drinking, but it's up to you whether she's drunk or not)
No smut, but a lot of kissing. In my friends words, "steamy".

Lightbulb swirled her "soda" can, smirking and taking a swig, "C'mon! Pleaseee?"

Paintbrush practically glared at the girl, "Lightbulb, we are not playing spin the bottle."

Test Tube nervously added, "E-Especially after you've been drinking! I don't want to smell like that!"

Fan smiled, "Plus, if you wanna kiss us, you can just ask."

Lightbulb rolled her eyes and groaned, "You guys are no fun! I only had like, 1 little sip!"

"Lightbulb, we just saw you chug like 5 of those things."

"In my defense, I'm not even a little tipsy!"

The other Lights stared at her. None of them could tell if she was sober or not. They shared a few glances before Paintbrush sighed.

"One round."

Test Tube glared at Paintbrush, "Paintbrush! Whether she's drunk or not, she's still been drinking!

Fan kicked her legs, sitting on her bed, "Testy, you don't have to play if you don't want to."

Test Tube thought for a second, quietly flushing at the thought, "Well, I would like to kiss at least one of you.."

The others smiled at her, Lightbulb lighting up.

"Yes! Let's fucking GO!! Lighty, still got it, oh yeah!"

Lightbulb swiftly finished chugging whatever was left in the can and nearly fell off of the bed she was sitting on, plopping herself down on the floor. The others followed her and formed a circle.

"So, who's-"

Lightbulb gripped the bottle in front of her.

"Me. I'm spinning first."

Paintbrush's eyes widened. Lightbulb looked crazed, like she'd been waiting for this her whole life. Paintbrush chuckled at this, smirking as they watched Lightbulb eagerly take her turn.Lightbulb followed the bottle with her eyes, her head literally spinning in circles. When it stopped, she peered up at Paintbrush and smiled as they made eye contact. Paintbrush tried to position themself to have a proper kiss with their girlfriend, but before they could get comfortable, Lightbulb took Paintbrush by their cheeks and kissed them like she was touch starved. She messed with their bristles during the kiss.

Paintbrush giggled into Lightbulb's lips after a bit and pulled away, smirking, "Okay, this is your first turn. Relax, Light."

Lightbulb giggled, "Okay, fine. Sorryyyy."
She dramatically frowned, making Paintbrush roll their eyes.

"So, uh, does that mean it's my turn now?"

Fan shrugged, "Makes sense to me."

Paintbrush took the bottle, significantly less harder than Lightbulb, and spun it a bit. The spin felt like it lasted forever. Test Tube's nerves were eating her alive.

Fan took notice of her flushed face and leaned in, whispering to her, "You okay?"

Test Tube sighed out of her nose and softly nodded, petrified of what would happen next. She was keeping analytics of each spin in her head, calculating who would land on who. Judging by how excited Lightbulb is, it wouldn't be shocking if she spun it too hard and it ended up landing on herself. She giggled to herself imagining that- She would. She watched as the bottle landed on Fan, the two participants looking at each other as had happened the last round.This time, they both had time to adjust. The kiss didn't last nearly as long as Painty and Lightbulb's had, but it was still nice. They pulled away smiling fondly at each other, Paintbrush pressing one last kiss to Fan's cheek before pushing her back to the corner she was sitting in before she moved.

Fan smiled before taking the bottle and spinning it.

Lightbulb was bouncing, "It has to land on me!!!"

The other Lights smiled at how adorably eager she was. Test Tube continued with her notes- Paintbrush was sturdy with their spin. They just spun like a normal object- Albeit, they kinda grasped the bottle like a dad doing a handshake, but still debatably normal. Fan's spin was weak. She predicted it would most likely land on-Oh.Her.It landed on her.Test Tube didn't even process it at first. She simply stared at the can in front of her, doing more equations in her head before she turned beet red in realization. She slowly brought her hand to her mouth, softly muttering, "Oh.."

It's not like she's never kissed her partners before. Of course she had. But this time felt.. Different. She was more nervous than normal for reasons she couldn't explain- It might've been the alcohol on Lightbulb's breath, but even she could admit, it wasn't that bad. She couldn't even smell it from where she was sitting.

"Testy, you don't-"

Test Tube looked up at Fan, "I want to."

Fan's blush became more evident as she slowly smiled, "Oh, well, alright then!"

Test Tube scooted closer to Fan before they quickly pecked each other, Test Tube feeling proud of herself. She smiled, still close to her lover. She couldn't help but think this was a little fun.She scooted back to her spot smiling, softly taking hold of the bottle. She looked at her partners, thinking of the ideal one to kiss at that moment- If you couldn't tell, she's never been good at choosing between them. She couldn't go for Fan again, since they had just kissed, and it's not that she doesn't want to go for Lightbulb-

Lightbulb reached for another can of "soda" and popped it open, "Wanna see how fast I can chug this baby?"

Paintbrush it is.

Fan and Paintbrush glanced over at Test Tube, before sharing one with each other.

"Uh, Lightbulb, I don't think that's a very good idea-"

While they were chatting, Test Tube spun the bottle- No one really noticed until Lightbulb peeked down at the bottle, a little bit between her and Paintbrush.

Test Tube sighed, "Welp, it landed on no one, oh shucks-"

Lightbulb grinned, "Actually, it's pointing to my aglets! You gotta gimme a smooch, Testy!"

Test Tube paused in her tracks to look down at Lightbulb's shoes. Fuck. It was pointing to her aglets.

The glass facepalmed, "Damn aglets- Uh, Lightbulb-"

"I'll give ya time, don't worry. I know you're a little on the fence, sooo."

Test Tube smiled.

"I've, uh.. Never.. Had.. Alcohol. Before."

Lightbulb raised an eyebrow, "Yeah? Couldn't tell."

"Oh, hush. I'm just nervous. I have no tolerance! What if I get drunk simply from the alcohol on your lips?!"

The Lights collectively stared at her. Everyone knew what they wanted to say, but none knew how to say it.

Fan cautiously took the task, "Uhh, Test Tube, you're pretty smart, you know that, right?"

"Yes? Why is that important?"

"Well, I, uh- I would kinda think that someone as smart as you would know that.. Isn't exactly.. Possible..?"

"Oh, yes it is! She's had like- Six of those things!!"

"Seven actually," Lightbulb corrected, taking a sip of an entirely new can.

Test Tube gestured toward her, "See?! If she uses her tactics on me, tomorrow will be a nightmare!"

Lightbulb giggled, "Tactics?"

"Yes, tactics! You- You- Whenever we kiss, you just- You make it hard to pull away! I know you're doing it on purpose. No one is that good of a kisser."

Lightbulb raised an eyebrow, winking as she took another swig, "Yep. Totes doin' that on purpose. You caught me, darn. Pinky promise I won't use my "tactics" on ya, darlin'."

Lightbulb held out her pinky finger, Test Tube happily smiling and intertwining their pinkies. Afterwards, the two made eye contact- Test Tube taking note in the parallels- And Test Tube gently leaned in for a kiss. Lightbulb eagerly reciprocated, with the same energy she had with Paintbrush- Not as intense obviously, but still filled with love for her girlfriend.
Test Tube cringed as she tasted the alcohol in her lover's mouth, but in a way, she found it intoxicating. The realization hit her like a brick.

She slowly pulled away, still incredibly close to Lightbulb's lips, "You pinky promised."

Lightbulb smirked and wrapped her arms around Test Tube's waist, "Sorry Tube. You're just fun to mess with."

Test Tube scoffed, the heat from her face beginning to make the liquid inside of her begin to bubble.
"Am not."

The two kissed one final time, Test Tube becoming entranced, like she always had. She softly smiled into the kiss, quickly pulling away, "This deeply stunts my trust for you, Bulby."

"Heh, I know."

They press a quick peck to each other's lips one last time before Test Tube is left nerdily scooching back to her spot, yet again, filled to the brim with love.

Paintbrush and Fan silently watched the entire thing, glancing at each other once it was over. Lightbulb grinned and held her hand up to high five Paintbrush, Paintbrush breathing out a chuckle and pushing her away instead.

Test Tube's glass was just about 223°F. She was blushing like a madwoman. In a soft voice, just about a whisper, she said, "Golly.. C-Can I ask all of you a question..?"

All of the Lights went silent as they looked at their girlfriend, ready to interact with whatever she had to say.

"How come none of you make fun of me for how bad a kisser I am?" she breathed through a laugh. "My old friends would always pick on me for how bad I am at.. Well.. Everything. But you don't, even though all of you are very much better than me."

Fan smiled, "First of all, we don't suck. Second of all, you aren't even that bad."

"Yeah, you're a great kisser, Tube! That thing we just did was pretty epic, we should do it more."

Paintbrush smiled, "Plus, you're kinda adorable. We all think you're perfect."

Test Tube grinned. In that very moment, she knew she was in deep. She loved them. And for the first time- She knew someone loved her.

"I love you all, so, so, so, much."

Fan hugged her, catching the beaker off guard. Her other partners quickly followed, peppering kisses to her cheek.

"We love you too, Tube. You're pretty grand." Lightbulb basically breathed against her cheek.This was followed by the hug turning into a cuddle, all of the lights laying together in peaceful silence.

"So.. Round two anyone?"

"One round, Bulb."

The lights giggled together, and each of them knew that this is what they wanted for the rest of their lives. Their bond deepened because of some stupid party game- Yeah, Lightbulb can do that.
We'll always love her chaos.

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