Part 1

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What's the point of life if all it is is pain and suffering?

How much pain do I have to go through before I can find happiness because I haven't found my happiness yet and have been through a shit ton of pain.

Reality sucks...

My dreams are my only sanctuary.

Don't worry I'm just ok for now but don't ask because ill start crying

How many asshole guys do this shitty world have because I can't seem to find a single guy who actually loves me.

I'm an over thinker that means I analyze very single word that comes out of your mouth and I need constant reassure because if I analyze your words for long enough I get caught in a loop of war between my head and heart so please don't say the wrong thing because asking for reassure makes me feel annoying and a burden to you.

Please don't leave me because when you do I forget who I am, I push everyone else out, I forget what it means to be happy, I forget how to care about myself and the people around me.

Being a teen sucks your still a kid but you have to start doing adult responsibilities and acting like an adult because its unacceptable to be a child but I'm not allowed to do adult things.

I told you I need help and love because all the other guys left me in pieces broken heart and you said you wouldn't leave me...Well where are you now?...

The difference between me and you, is I'm still here...

I'm a big hearted person that's gotten broken by many people many times and yet I still let people in and feel empathy for them even though I know their not being true to me and are going to leave in the end.

Being a depressed introvert sucks cause you want to be alone but don't want to be lonely.

They promised love but all I got in the end was a broken heart and never ending tears.

What's the point of life if all you do is unwilling get born , grow up, make the next generation and then die or am I missing something? Cause I'm at the point where I feel like life has no value to it.

Is it good or bad to put myself out and try an attract someone and not want love just pleasure and lustful desires???

The reality of the world is you can only win if you have the desire to run through challenges without holding back everything you have...but how does that work when I've given up on everything

The difference between you and me is I would rather get shot than heart broken again

I feel like the only relationship that's true is the one that doesn't exist in my world but lives in books

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