chapter 2 part 2

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"What's wrong boboiboy" yaya said with concern on her voice " oh ni we're too late" ochobot said " I'm sorry boboiboy that we didn't help. We're deeply sorry " yaya apologize "how will we going to tell everyone at school, our other friends and especially to his grandad" yaya said worrying " we will not tell them until the right time when I go back to my normal self" Boboiboy "but its permanent" ochobot said "we must not lose hope we can still try" boboiboy said " but how will we going to hide if you look different "ochobot ask " he will use disguise idiots" fang said " finally you help us" yaya tease fang " whatever"fang said "how about your eyes boboiboy" yaya said " contactlense " fang said smirking "yeah thanks" yaya said rolling her eyes "okay so it's already decided" yaya said and boboiboy just simply nodded " now ochobot don't let grandad wake me up and enter my room in the morning you're the only one allowed but he can enter after I put my normal clothes on and for you two cover for me on my attitude" boboiboy said and they simply nodded " so now we need to go home to rest it already midnight" fang said so they all go home
At boboiboy and ochobot
" ohh how I'll miss my old self " boboiboy said " just turn cyclone or maybe fire" ochobot said and they arrive the house " we must sneak in quietly" Boboiboy said "or we'll just use my wind power" boboiboy said so he grab ochobot and fly to the window he slowly open the window to his room and they quietly enter the room " boboiboy you have a huge problem, you don't have any contactlense" ochobot said worrying what might happen tomorrow " well I'll just use that sunglasses" boboiboy said calmlyso they lock the door and they close the window and they go to a deep sleep.

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