charter 3 part 1

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(Boboiboy's POV)
I slowly wake up by the feeling that something is in my mouth and I see ochobot putting yaya's cookies in my mouth and I spatted it "ochobot" I yelled " why did you do that" I yelled angrily "to wake you up you're going to be late for school" ochobot said "What time is it" I asked angrily "7:30 am" ochobot said my eyes widen "where's my normal clothes " I asked "in the closet" ochobot said so I quickly get some clothes and wear it and I grabbed a sunglasses and my bag and quickly go downstairs I see grandad downstairs " new look" tok aba said but I just ignored him and walk away to school.
Tok Aba's POV
I was downstairs waiting for boboiboy to come downstairs and finally I heard him going down because he was going to be late and I saw him wearing sunglasses " new look" I said but for the first time he ignore me and just walked away to school even without a single goodbye or just wave that's strange " what's wrong with him ochobot" I asked ochobot " he ugh have a nightmare he's in a bad mood" ochobot said "oh that's why" I said

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