death is sweet

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THE MAIDS WERE still cleaning up last nights mess, confetti was scattered on the floor, champagne corks too, even John was still half asleep on a sofa with a bottle in his hand. But at least there was finally silence at last, at least you could hear the birds chirping in harmony outside and feel the golden sun warm up every room.

"You're up bright and early." Tommy walks into the bedroom, looking down at his pocket watch, then back up at Rose.

She was rummaging through her jewellery box with her makeup half done and an emerald coloured robe on. Rose wasn't even making eye contact with Tommy, or acknowledging his presence— she was still angry.

"You woke up before me."

Tommy sits down on an arm chair, pulling out a cigarette. "I'm used to waking up before the sun even does, but you, Rosie, it takes a village to drag you out of that bed."

Rose shoots him an annoyed glare.

"Where did you sleep last night?" Tommy questions as white smoke escapes his lips.

"I slept on the sofa in Charlie and Elliot's nursery."

Tommy nods slowly, his mind flashing back to the death threat notes that were left under his children's pillows.

He knew it was them.

He knew it was the Russians and Father Hughes trying to evoke fear into him, trying to remind him that there are no limits— and that meant his children too.

"Rosie, you need to trust me when I tell you I have this all under control."

She puts down the perfume in her hand on the dressing table angrily, "If you had this all under control then they wouldn't threaten our children's lives."

Tommy remains quiet for a couple seconds, he knew Rose had every right to be like this.

"Tommy, when Arthur took that Russian man away last night he had his killing pistol with him. Then Johnny lit a fire in the woods." Rose mentions. "I see everything, even if you don't want me to."

"What I want is for you to have no involvement." Tommy interrupts. "Let me finish what I've started."

Rose scoffs. "They've decided to go after our children so now I'm involved."

Tommy stands up, walking over to her. "Look at me, Rose."

His hands were cupping her face, she had no choice but to look into his eyes.

"Look, those bastards know that a threat to your life or Charlie's or Elliot's, is a threat to mine. But no one is going to hurt you, no one will lay a fucking finger on you or my boys."

She turns away. "Great. So we're all just pawns in some fucking game."

Tommy sighs. "Rosie, we're all chess pieces in someone's game. We have to move carefully."

"I just wish you wouldn't keep me in the dark so bloody much." She whispers, looking down at the ground.

"I know." Tommy presses his cigarette against his lips. "But I'm keeping you in the light, just a different type of light. A safe light."

A Gangster With Roses • Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now