As a friend

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Last night you spoke of your Earth
and as a mere lion I am hurt.
I cried before it happened so it did not hurt as much
Yet still there is a sting of that chord attached on my back.

By the morrow I shall confess
but not in a way you thought.
Since you still yet have given me the gift you spoke of, I'll take that as a ticket to say..

I love you.

I really do. It is the peace that you give and the softness of your voice and maybe your generous gestures.
I love your flaws, your invisible barriers that I want to melt and the awkwardness you make me feel when we are left alone. Maybe even the distance that we have or the differences in timezone.

As a friend,
I automatically added.

I love you too as a friend because that is the title you will have in my life.
From this day onward, I shall think and feel about you as my friend.
Staying in crush mode has gotten me crushed and I do not ever want the same next year.

So I love you as a friend, Heaven.


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