Chapter Two

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The next day was just a blur of emotions. Before Y/n left for the airport, she had a little pick me up to last through the day. All she could feel was the judgmental look her sister would give her from time to time while waiting for the plane to start boarding. "You're still fluent in Russian right?" Sam asked trying to plug in her charger into the charging port. "Yeah of course. It's hard to not be fluent in Russian when your family is from Russia." Y/n snapped back while leaning back in the old airport chair. "I know you're upset with this and all Y/n, but please don't get an attitude. It's hard enough seeing you and mom this way." Sam said with a change of tone.

Y/n knew Sam was right. It was obvious. But when your sister has been ignoring you almost your entire life up until this moment, it's hard to not get an attitude. "Sorry." Y/n halfheartedly mumbled while playing with the sleeves of her jacket. "Hm it looks like they're starting to board. Grab your suitcase c'mon" As Y/n was grabbing her suitcase she accidentally stepped on a man's foot behind her. She turned around to see a tall grown man with blonde styled hair and eyeliner. "Oh shit I'm sorry for stepping on your foot." The man stared at her with immense eye contact and smiled even brighter. "Oh no worries! Enjoy your flight!" She awkwardly smiled and walked with her suitcase, trying to catch up with her sister.

"No look I'm telling you when I stepped on his foot he literally just stared into my soul." Y/n said while eating a complimentary bag of peanuts the flight staff gave her. "Yes yes, I believe you. Now but please shut up, we still have 19 hours left on this plane, and I want to spend those hours asleep." Sam said leaning her head into the neck pillow, next to the window. Y/n plugged in her headphones into the small tv in front of her and started to scroll through some movies. "I'm sorry for staring into your soul, I can assure you that those were not my intentions! But I thank you for the compliment!" Y/n froze and turned her head to see that the man was sitting right behind her. She choked up, not knowing what to say and just gave him a quick smile before sinking into her seat, deeply embarrassed. 'Just my luck. Shit I need to start paying attention to my surroundings more often.' Y/n thought as she clicked on a movie and munched on her peanuts.

"Y/n wake up we're about to land!" Sam shook her awake, as Y/n sat up straighter and tightened her seatbelt. "Oh god I have the worst headache." Y/n said as she leaned over Sam to look at the window. "Well no shit you're coming down from your high" Sam whispered, looking into Y/n's e/c eyes. "Yeah I know. Don't remind me." Y/n whispered back before leaning into her sister's ear to tell her about the guy behind them. "Remember that weird guy I was talking about earlier? Well he's sitting behind us and heard everything I said." Sam gasped as she slowly peered over the seat to look at this mysterious guy Y/n had been talking about. "Seriously, that's him? He looks pretty normal to me, although it's pretty funny he heard you. Karma's a bitch." The sister said giggling close to her ear. Y/n just rolled her eyes and prepared for landing.

The airport was packed with families and people trying to find their flight. "Ok Y/n so the plan is we take a taxi over to dad's, I drop you off and make sure you are with him, and then I go back home to mom." Sam told her as they both walked towards the airport exit. Y/n was starting to crash. Her headache got worse, her vision started to blur from time to time, and she could feel her temperature rising. "You're going through detox y'know. Maybe this is a good thing, starting your new life in Russia to a good clean start." The sister said as she was ordering a taxi through her phone. "Yeah whatever" Y/n said as she took out her phone to text Evie.


Hey I just landed, Sam is getting a taxi rn


Glad you got there safe :)

Text me when you need her address I'll link her number

*Evie<3 sent you a phone number*

Diana: (+7 xxx-xx-xx)

Stay safe girly luv u!


Luv you too!

"Alright c'mon Y/n the taxi's here, grab that suitcase and I'll grab the other." Sam said while grabbing one of the suitcases. Y/n looked behind her and saw a familiar head of blonde hair, so she took her bag and quickly got in the car. They both stepped inside the car as the driver started to drive off. "The address is Rublevo-Uspenskoye Shosse, 17, Gorki-2, Moscow Oblast, Russia, 143033" Sam said as Y/n looked out the moving window. "I honestly don't remember much about dad either, just the stuff he did to mom" The sister said, patting Y/n's back. The car ride was quiet, but once the car pulled into a mansion's driveway, both Sam and y/n were shocked. "Um sir is this the correct address?" Sam asked the driver. "da." He responded, curtly. "Okay Y/n grab the bags so I can talk to dad." Sam left the car and headed to the grand front door, leaving the girl to grab both of their bags.

Before leaving the car Y/n muttered a quick thanks in Russian for the driver, as she headed to the front with her bags. As Y/n was walking to the door she could hear a little bit of the conversion Sam and her dad were having. "Her addiction has gotten worse, so just be on the lookout. "Do not worry, she will adjust just fine here." Y/n walked up the steps with the suitcases to see Sam, and her dad. Her dad was a man with h/c hair that had specks of silver and was slicked back. He stroked his h/c mustache, while staring at Y/n.

"My dear, welcome home. I will send the butler to take your bags to your room. I suspect you want to say goodbye to your sister?" He asked with a deep voice. "Uhm yes thank you." Y/n said trying not to grimace at the vibes he was giving off. He summoned the butler to take the bags, and walked away. "Listen Y/n, if anything bad ever happens to you please don't be afraid to call me. We both know that dad isn't the best guy, so if he ever does anything to you call me." Y/n hugged her sister as they both said their goodbyes. "I love you Sam and I'm sorry about everything." "I'm sorry too Y/n." Sam pulled away and walked back to the taxi, leaving Y/n alone in front of the spacious house.

"I have some rules to follow since you now live here." Y/n's dad said as he sipped his tea. Once sam left she entered the house where the butler showed her the dining room, where she was sitting now. "When you address me it will always be father or sir. You will always show respect to me. Absolutely no boys will enter this door without my permission. Do you play any instruments?" The man asked staring intently at his daughter. "Yes I-" Her father stopped her. "Address me as father or sir." He responded coldly. "Oh sorry sir. But yes father, me and my friends used to have a band, and we actually won a lot of contest." The father laughed a cruel laugh and looked upon her face. "Oh my dear, that's not real music. But what instruments can you play?" The man asked, holding his tea up to the butler so he could refill it.

"Well father. I can play the guitar and piano." Y/n said looking down at her teacup. "Hmm piano... yes I can work with that. Do you play well?" "Yes sir, I haven't played in a while. But when I last played I could play some Chopin pieces." The father smiled and nodded his head. "Good good. We have a grand piano in the parlor, I will find you a great teacher immediately and you will start playing as soon as possible." Y/n nodded her head as she drank the rest of the tea. "Your sister and mother have made me aware of your... situation. I would like to let you know that as long as you hide it, and be inconspicuous about it, I do not care if you use drugs." He said sipping on the pretty porcelain teacup.

"But why sir? " Y/n asked clearly shocked about what he just said. "Think of it as a test my dear Y/n. If I can see you handle this as a secret, then I know I can trust you with the family's reputation. Besides if you ever slip up, I'll just send you to the Russian Boarding School of Musical Talent." He said while standing up. "You are dismissed to go back in your room. The rest of your things will arrive in two days time. I'll make sure the butler sends you dinner in your room. You'll go to the nearest school in four days so you can focus more on your musical abilities." He motioned for Y/n to leave the room and follow the butler to her new room. "Oh and y/n?" He asked. "Yes?" His face twisted into a sneer as he frowned. "Show me respect and call me sir or father." She looked at him one last time before following the butler. "Yes sir."

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