Chapter Sixteen

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"Dee?" Y/n asked, eyes wide with evident shock as she stared at the boy she's been longing to see. The said blonde haired boy in question snapped his head around, along with his brother, and stared at the confused young girl. Dee tried to speak all of the things that were running through his mind, and yet he couldn't get any of it out. He was too focused on her white dress, with pearls adorning her s/c flesh. He took notice of the way she had removed all of her piercings and covered up her rather dark eye bags. But yet the more he looked into her eyes, the more he saw that her eyes looked even more dead than before. "What are you doing here? Are you auditioning?" Y/n asked, as her eyes traced over his freckles that rested on his cheeks. "Uhm well I just sort of came here to uhm-" Heavy interrupted his stammering as he laughed, amused at the whole situation. "Dee came here to see you Y/n! He forced me to skip school and dragged me all the way to this whole fancy place." Dee's eyes slowly made their way to his younger brother, with his blue eyes holding immense embarrassment and anger.

The girl on the other hand, couldn't help but smile as her cheeks were lightly dusted of pink. "Well I'm happy you guys came to see me! I've been rehearsing all week for this audition so hopefully I can make it to the top of the list." Y/n said as her nervousness replaced the happy feelings that she had felt a moment ago. Upon hearing this, Dee glanced down at Y/n's hands and was alarmed at what he saw. Not only were her fingers now a darker shade of bruised red, but her arms had now held immense deep bruising, with skin trying it's best to scab over pierced parts. 

The boy looked back up to see that she was looking back at him with her smile that still rested upon her face. "Well I should probably check in and see-" But before the young girl even walked away, Dee lightly caught her left wrist, forcing her to turn over her bruised arm. "What's happening to you Y/n?" She stared back into his crystal blue eyes, just for a moment wanting to tell him everything. Wanting to shout, cry, and scream about how she hates her life.  That the only good thing about that life, was him. "I'm fine Dee, don't worry about it." "Is your dad the one thats doing this to you?" Upon hearing that Y/n just gave the boy a week smile as she excused herself to check in and head into the audition rooms. "Heavy do you have your phone?" Dee asked with an unusually strained voice. "Yeah why-" "Call dad and tell him to come here right now." Heavy looked back at his brother, unsure of what was really happening, but complied to his brother's task.

"Alright Miss l/n, you'll be fifth to enter. Once it's your turn to audition I'll call you to the front, please have a seat." The older woman said as Y/n sat down to the only available chair, sandwiched between two girls who looked like they could belong in some heavy metal band. She took notice of them both holding their own guitars, and their confident smiles on their faces. 'Ok just take a deep breath it'll be fine. Everything will be fine.' The girl thought to herself, as she glanced down at her bruised arms. 'Maybe I should tell Dee what's going on, but if I do then I would probably be sent back home with mom...and I really don't want to leave. If I go back home then mom she'll just go back to yelling at me all the time, even if I do deserve it. I'd also have to leave Dee.' She thought as she gave out a loud sigh.

"Miss l/n, the administration will see you now. It's the door at the end of the hall." The young girl shakily stood up as she entered through the door, and walked through a long hallway where she saw the open door at the end of the hall. 'Okay don't worry, you got this. Just breathe.' Y/n took a deep breath while entering the doorway, where she was greeted with two older men and a young woman sitting at a table. "Ah Miss l/n, lovely to have you here. Your father has told us many great things about you, whenever you're ready please play your prepared piece." The older man said with a kind smile lingering on his face, as he motioned to the grand piano in front of them. Y/n gave them a nervous smile back, as she carefully sat at the piano bench and tried to push her nerves away. 

La Campanella, often known as the hardest song to play. Over the past few weeks Y/n has grown familiar with each note, each beat change, and each dynamic. The girl has been forced by her wicked father to play until she had reached perfection, but never allowing her to pursue herself in the music. She never derived pleasure from playing this piece, only the satisfaction of his non existent praises. "You can start, l/n." Y/n placed her fingers on the keys, and begun to play. Every note she hit blended into the melody, and morphed into perfection. But the girl was too focused on playing it correctly, that the piece failed to have any emotion. Each note she hit was void of feeling, but she was too busy focusing on what note was coming next to notice it. As Y/n played the last note she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and stood up to look at the administrators.

The three adults gave her a polite smile, as the older man in the middle spoke up once again. "You play just like your father Y/n, with perfection. You can go back and wait in the room, the list will be posted today shortly when the last person auditions." The girl gave a weak smile as she hurriedly walked out of the room. It always struck an unknown cord within her whenever someone would compare her to a parent. But it definitely made her insides turn, and her skin flame when she was compared to that cruel man. As Y/n sat back in her seat, she could hear muffled voices from outside the room. Choosing to ignore them she instead looked down at her bruised fingers and desperately wished that she had made it to the top of the list.

"It looked like someone had really hurt her, I mean it looked like her arms were trying to scab over massive amounts of skin. I asked her if it was her dad was doing it to her and she just looked at me and walked away, I didn't know what to do so I asked Heavy to call you." Dee spoke rather undecidedly. Glam looked at his son with an unknown glint in his eye, and bent down to engulf him in a hug. "I'm glad you finally told me." Dee stood there, dumbfounded, as he awkwardly patted his dad's back to signify that he wanted the hug to be over. The man broke the hug and peered back down at his son. "Uh dad isn't that your sister over there on that wall?" Dee asked, breaking the silence that overtook the conversation.

Glam walked to the picture that his son gestured too, and stiffened quite considerably upon looking at it. "Why yes Dee. It is." The two just stood together looking at the picture until Heavy bolted over and interrupted them. "This really nice lady told me that the list of everyone who got in is gonna be posted on that wall over in a couple of seconds, so I think we're about to see Y/n!" He pointed to a nearby wall and gave his dad and brother a smile, while the other two had their eyes plastered on the door waiting for a certain girl. 

"We want to thank everyone who auditioned, and gave our time to us today! The list has been posted in the other room, most favorited on top, to least favorited on the bottom. If you did not make the list, then unfortunately you have been denied to entering the conservatory. If you have any questions or want feedback on your performance feel free to ask one of the administrators in the other room." The nice older lady said as she opened the door, allowing everyone in the room to leave. Y/n gulped, as she walked up to the huge crowd around the list. "I can't believe we made first and second!" She heard the girls that she sat next to shout out. Y/n's heart dropped hearing that as she shoved her way through the small crowd until she could see the list. 'Ok let's see where am I...fuck where am I?!" The girl's eyes scanned the list over and over again, not seeing her name listed anywhere.

Tears started to clear her vision as her breathing became more erratic. She didn't make it. All those training and lessons for nothing. The young girl stumbled out of the crowd and made her towards the administrator that had been so kind enough to talk to her in the audition. "Ah miss Y/n, I'm assuming you would like to know why you didn't make it in?" She nodded, trying her best to keep those tears from rolling down her cheeks, but ultimately failing as they made their way from her eyes.

The man smiled at her in pity before continuing. "You played perfectly, and I'm sure an orchestra would love to have you one day. But thats it. You only played the notes, not the emotions. Perfection comes at a cost, and it's up to you if you're willing to sacrifice yourself to the music. Just like your father, when he played the violin all he did was play the notes, not the feelings. So there's nothing to cry about child, once you actually start having interest in playing, then audition again and I'm sure we'll accept you." With another sympathetic smile the older man walked away, leaving the girl with tears flooding her cheeks. 


Four more chapters left until this is done! I had to cut this one in half because it became waaay too long, even for me lol. If anyone is interested, a Sally Face fic is in the works. So if that peeks your interests then be sure to follow if you want to be updated about that! Thanks <3

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