During (the actual during)

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Casey had just arrived from her school, looking happier from a few days ago when they met.
Leo chuckled and put his arm around Casey.
"Good for you Casey, but it seems your already screaming for joy." Leo said, looking over to me, expecting more words of encouragement for Casey.
"Haha, yeah good job. But.. can you guys beat me in.. DANCE,DANCE,DANCE?"
Both Casey and Leo's faces lit up with excitement in their eyes, but Caseys—already excited about her win—eyes lit up more.
I took Casey and Leo through the back door of my mansion, put them in hoodies, and led them to the Game Room.
Both of the kids hopped around every game, amazed.
"ANDI HOW??" Leo screamed, then covering his mouth noticing that he was too loud.
"Im rich, duh." I shrugged, making my hand meet my forehead, realizing Leo forgot I lived in a freaking mansion. We played for a couple of hours, and we laughed along the way.
We shared some sandwiches, but there was only one left.
Casey went in to grab it, but Leo snatched it from her.
"Hey! Leo!" Casey said, putting her hands on her sides.
"Finders keepers losers weepers." Leo chuckled, about to take a bite.
Casey then tackled Leo, trying to get the sandwich from him. I finally came in and halved both of the pieces.
"You guys should think before you do. Say your welcome."
"Thank you"
Casey and Leo said, there voices overlapping to show thanks.
"Eh- You have a tax from me helping you guys." I said, taking both of their half-sandwiches. I took a bite from each half sandwich, and gave it back to them.
"There. Now we're even." I chuckled and sat down. Both Casey and Leo sat down with me, and we began to talk about what we did today.
It felt like.. Home. Together with my family.


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