Chapter 1 : Into the Abyss

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Boruto Uzumaki laid atop of his bed as he stared at the ceiling of his room. It had been a week since his battle and subsequent defeat of the tyrannical Urashiki who belonged to the legendary Otsutsuki Clan.

However unlike previous missions, his mission to defeat the Otsutsuki had been one not many ninja could ever hope to dream about. It was a literal battle against time as the Otsutsuki had managed to actually go back in time using an ancient relic of his clan, the turtle-like artifact called Karasuki, in hopes of retrieving the Nine Tailed Fox from Naruto when he was still a young and inexperienced Genin.

Wanting to thwart his nefarious plans, Boruto and his master, Sasuke Uchiha, had followed after the villain in order to make sure his goal would not come to fruition. However, to say things had turned awkward would be the understatement of the entire Ninja World. Boruto had literally found himself face to face with the preteen version of his father who Boruto quickly realized who, unlike the adult version was pragmatic, rational and wise, the younger version of Naruto was loud-mouthed, brash and overall reckless. Sasuke, on the other hand, had it potentially worse as he had to deal with the younger version of his future wife, Sakura Haruno, who was adamant, if not vicious, in her questions about his identity, mainly due to an error on his part of letting a letter his daughter Sarada had written for him.

However, with the help of Naruto's late master in Jiraiya, the quartet were able to defeat the villainous Otsutsuki with Boruto having an even greater understanding of his father due to what he learned in his small trip to the past. Through it he learned even more of his father's flaws and insecurities stemming from his craving for Acknowledge and his dealing of the villagers' harsh treatment of him due to being the container of the Nine Tailed Fox.

Boruto smiled as he turned to the eaten ramen cup on his stand.

"Here's a little parting gift! Whoa there, don't open it yet. Save the surprise for later!" The younger version of Naruto had told Boruto as he handed Boruto a moderately sized package wrapped in a green cloth.

"Should've known it'd be ramen." Boruto mused before licking his lips, "Although it was pretty tasty."

Boruto then chuckled remembering his friends' reactions of his literal voyage through time.

Denki had nearly fainted from shock and even nearly broke his portable laptop as a result whereas Iwabe had nearly choked out Boruto as he cursed him for not having him meet his "Idol Naruto!" though the blonde was quick to point out he was nowhere close to him at the time. Still didn't stop Iwabe from being pissed though. Metal Lee was on Boruto like Cheese on Macaroni, asking if his father in the past had the same flames of youth that he had in the present with Boruto muttering a nervous "Yeah" before quickly scattering off.

Namida and Wasabi were quick to scoff and laugh, saying how it sounded like a fanmade story or something out of a manga while Sumire had swooned, saying how it would've been cool to meet "Lord Seventh" in his youth.

Shikadai was quick to joke and make a crack at how much of a "drag" it must've been having to not restrict contact with the younger versions of his parents as that would've been a once in a lifetime opportunity while Inojin thought it would've been nice to come along as he could've drawn a nice drawing to commemorate the experience whereas Chocho walked off in disinterest.

His sensei Konohamaru had blushed in embarrassment when Boruto had described the younger version of himself as a "little shrimp" leading to the older ninja reprimanding Boruto with how much of a "badass ninja" he had become since the old days, leading to Boruto giving him a blank expression. With Sarada, knowing how shaky her relationship with Sasuke used to be along with how far along they've come along in their relationship, he decided not to mention how Sasuke had deserted the village while Mitsuki had joked about the idea of meeting with his father as Boruto responded how they hadn't come in contact with Orochimaru not even once in the past.

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