Chapter 2 : Birth of a hero

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As the foggy mist finishing consuming the three genin, the three ninja opened their eyes to find themselves in a pitch black tunnel.

"Ugh...unh...." Boruto moaned as he opened his eyes.

"Well...that was certainly something..." Sarada muttered rubbing her eyes. Oddly enough, Mitsuki seemed to have come across that experience the least affected.

"Where...are we?" Mitsuki asked as Boruto and Sarada looked across the room, equally as confused.

"Dunno." Boruto tilted his head as he started to walk around the room.

"Do you think the jutsu worked?" Sarada asked.

"It must have if it was a lost scroll." Mitsuki remarked as Boruto's eyes widened in dread.

"Oh crap! Where is it!? Where the hell is that scroll!?" Boruto yelled as Sarada immediately ran to clamp her hands over her idiotic teammate's mouth.

"Shut up, you idiot! What if someone hears us!?" Sarada chided her teammate.

"But if it's a memory, who cares, right? Now lemme go, ya know!" Boruto wheezed as Mitsuki immediately got in between the two.

"Both of you, enough." Mitsuki said, separating the two.

"Ugh, what am I gonna do with you?" Sarada groaned as Boruto rubbed his sore neck.

"I can say the same to you, ya know." Boruto moaned, glaring at Sarada.

However before anymore arguing could occur between the two, several footsteps got the attention of the three.

"Oh crap!" Boruto pointed as he and his team noticed several people wearing medical garb running to the three of them.

"Were we spotted?" Mitsuki raised an eyebrow as Sarada could immediately tell they were in trouble.

"Hold on, medical ninjas! We mean you all no harm!" Sarada tried to reason as they appeared not to hear her. However...that was the least of Team Konohamaru's worry as much to their shock.....

The medical ninjas passed right through the three of them, almost as if they were ghosts!

Team Konohamaru, even Mitsuki, could only stare with their expressions being dumbfounded.

"Uh...what...just happened?" Boruto blinked.

"Wait a second...I think I realized something. If this is a memory that means that since this is something that's already happened, the people in the memory can't see us or interact with us." Mitsuki theorized as he walked forward to press his hand through the wall only for it to pass through.

"Wait a second, you mean like we're ghosts!?" Boruto cheesed as Sarada cringed.

"....That's....kinda creepy..." Sarada muttered as Boruto had sparkles in his eyes.

"That's so cool! I've kinda wondered how it'd be being a ghost!" Boruto laughed as Sarada smacked Boruto's skull.

"Chill out and act your age for once!" Sarada chided as Boruto glared at her.

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