|-1/3: Chapter One-|

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B/N: What even is this? I don't know either. I don't think I'm in love with this, tbh. But uh, enjoy, I guess. Remember that this won't be everyone's cup of tea, please keep any and all hate to yourself.
*Edit: I have a confession... The title came to me from the Lana Del Ray song 'Video Games' and I can't look at it without breaking out into song.
*Edit2: 'Bout to post and I just realized the chaps are all diff lengths... Sorry about that.

A/N: Did you read the tags? I bet you didn't, go read them.

Sabrina's POV

Honestly, as I watched her yell at her butler for the nth time, I only realized how in love with her I really was. We've been friends for years and she's barely changed but I love everything about her. Call me toxic, yeah, but I don't care.

Chloe huffs angrily as she whips back around to sit before me. I'm sitting on the floor next to the couch doing her homework. I didn't mind actually, I am intelligent and efficient and usually done fairly quickly.

Of course, I know Chloe would sometimes watch me solve problems or look over the answers later. She was smart too, she just didn't have the time for useless things like homework. But I had all the time for anything she wished of me.

"Sabrina!" She snapped at me and all I could do was look at her with fond eyes before she began again. "I'm thirsty!" She demanded and I was quick to jump up.

"Of course! Juice or water, Chloe?" I was eager to please her, I always had been.

"You know." She scoffs, waving her hand and paying her attention back to admiring her shiny new shoes.

I nod with a smile and make my way down to the kitchen. This answer used to cause me so much anxiety and dread. I used to be very unsure of myself and self-conscious, scared of what Chloe would think or if I ended up doing something wrong. Now though, I knew her better than anyone else. I knew that she wanted juice and I knew it would be cherry juice with lime.

My body grew warm as Chloe took the glass with a barely there, delighted sigh. She sipped it gingerly and I went back to our homework, knowing she would snap at me if I stared at her any longer.

"Recheck question #42." She spoke authoritatively and I immediately went back to my answer. I was confused until I realized my answer was off.

"Ah! Thank you Chloe, I wouldn't have noticed until later."

"Hush, get it done." She rolled her eyes.

And hush I did. It was silent for the next few hours, the only noise being from Chloe when she spoke to herself out of anger or snickered at someone's misfortune.

Over that time I had gotten both of our Geography, Science, Math, English, and Culture homework for the week done. The only things we had left were our Art projects, though, I knew Chloe probably wanted to do that one by herself.

"Would you like to do the art project, Chloe? Or should I start on it." She glared at me while she thought for a short moment.

"No. I don't want you to mess it up, I'll do it myself." She pointed her nose up as she spoke and barely restrained from shaking my head at her.

"Yes, Chloe. Is there anything else you'd like me to do?" I packed up all of my work utensils and set them into my bag neatly. I stored both mine and Chloe's homework in their respective place before standing with my bag.

"I have no more use for you right now." She waved her hand dismissively and I nodded, beginning to leave. "Wait!" She called out before clearing her throat. "Where are you going?" She sounded panicked and I felt my eyebrows crunch together.

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