|-3/3: Chapter Three-|

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"Girl!! What did I tell you??" Alya overheard Sabrina bragging about her newly titled girlfriend on their way to Art class the next Monday. They had spent the rest of the weekend mostly just in each other's embrace.

"Kim was totally pouting in class this morning," Mylene commented softly. "Poor guy."

Sabrina rolled her eyes. "He'll get over it. It's been so obvious that Chloe wasn't into him." She waved a hand dismissively.

"Sabrina!!" Chloe's demanding pitchy voice called from across the hall.

The redhead whipped around with a smile, jogging over to the blonde. "Yes Chloe?" She asked nicely, ignoring the stares of the girls from behind her.

"Did you bring my notebook? I told you to this morning." Chloe moved one crossed hand for her chest to put it out in a demanding gesture.

"Ah, yes Chloe. It's right here." Sabrina pulled it out of her back and handed it over with a smile per usual. Chloe smirked as their hands lingered together for a short moment.

"Good." Chloe turned around. "Make that order that I asked for earlier, soon. I want it here before the end of next week." Then she began walking away.

"Yes Chloe." Sabrina's smile was dreamy as she entered the classroom, already concluding the order from this morning.

Rose waved her over, which was weird because they barely spoke in class. Usually, Sabrina sat by herself and only spoke with the girls when they walked together to class. They were more common acquaintances than friends in that way.

"Do you need something?" Her tone was much less enthusiastic than it would have been with Chloe.

Rose had a frown on her face matching the other girls who turned to watch the interaction. "Why do you let Chloe treat you like that? Even now that you're dating." They didn't understand.

Sabrina sighs and shrugs. "That's how we work, how we have always worked. I like it. It's not like she means it with any malicious intent or anything." She hoped that they would stop asking now.

It was a common occurrence for Sabrina to get these kinds of questions.

Why do you let her walk all over you?

Why is she so mean to you?

Why don't you ever stand up for yourself?

How can you let her be like that to you?

You act like her butler or something, doesn't that bother you?

Of course, from an outsider's perspective, Sabrina could see where they were coming from but she has to constantly stand up for herself to them not Chloe. Ever since they were little this was their dynamic and Sabrina has always been content with it. Chloe was mean sure, but she didn't often mean most things how she said them.

Sabrina quickly learned how to read her-- how to understand her and her reactions to different situations. She didn't always know how to express herself so she would use her status to her advantage and lash out at people. Sabrina quickly learned how to decode her words and actions, and calm her down when she went on a rampage.

They worked well together and Sabrina liked how Chloe depended on her for things, relied on her, and trusted her. But people often got the wrong idea of their relationship and constantly prodded Sabrina about it. It was annoying. Chloe was a pleaser-type lover and she was more than happy to do anything she could for Chloe.

"But-" Rose began again.

Thankfully, Jean-Pierre Monlataing, the fill-in art instructor, walked in just then and began class. Sabrina settled into her usual seat and ignored any questions from the girls.

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