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Later that evening, Ashanti decided that she would have dinner with Marcel. Thankfully, he agreed with much persuasion.

"What's this about?" Marcel asked as he chewed on his macaroni. "We're talking about us," Ashanti said, emphasizing on the 'us'.

"What is there to talk about?" Marcel asked and she glared at him. "Many things," she bit out. He had a way of pushing her to the edge.

"Can you give me a proper run through of what to expect in this arrangement," she said. Marcel knew she was referring to the marriage as an arrangement.

"When we get married, we're moving into my house," Marcel told her.

"Why? I thought this was where you live?" Ashanti asked with a frown. "Can't I enjoy privacy with my wife in my own house?" Marcel asked with a raised brow. Ashanti narrowed her eyes at him.

"I see," she says dryly. "Do you have any objections?" He asked her. "No,. don't. Even if I did, how can I go against my husband-to-be?" she asked with an eye roll. Marcel chuckled and shook his head.

"I see," she said dryly. She was about to stand up when the maid from earlier came in.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but this was delivered just now," she said as she approached Marcel. "Thank you," Marcel said as he collected the small black velvet box from her.

She bowed at him and Ashanti before leaving. "What's that?" Ashanti asked as she eyes the box in his hands.

Marcel let out a sigh as he stood up with the box in his hands and approached her. "W-what are y-you doing?" she stuttered with wide eyes as he got down on one knee and opened the box.

Then she saw the ring that she chose earlier. "I'm surprised that you chose it too," Marcel said as he brought it out and examined it. "I'm surprised that you chose it," Ashanti said as she placed her left hand on his outstretched palm.

Her hands were small compared to his large ones. "I like your fingers, they are beautiful," Marcel said as he slid the ring across her ring finger. Ashanti blushed, "Thank you."

Marcel stood up,"Thank you for dinner, it was perfect. Get some rest, we're leaving by ten tomorrow." With that, he took his leave.


Ashanti felt anxious as she thought of how things would go at the interview. She looked through the window to see the scenery.

"Venice is really beautiful," she thought to herself. Marcello was seated beside her and he could sense the tension in her. 

Ashanti let out a sigh and turned her attention to her engagement ring. She didn't know why, but it seemed to distract her from reality.

Marcello sighed and grabbed her hand making her look up at him with wide eyes. "You'll do fine. Just know that you're going to be introduced to the world as the new member of the Bianchi family. You need to smile throughout everything," he said to her and she nodded.

"The paparazzi isn't nice either," he told her and Ashanti sighed.

"We're here, capo," The driver said as he drove into the parking lot. He hadn't finished parking when the paparazzi had surrounded the car already.

"Marco, Albert, don't let them touch her," Marcel said to the two men at the front. "Yes capo," Albert said and Ashanti remembered that they were her bodyguards.

Marcel gently grabbed her hand as he opened the door and stepped out with her. Albert and Marco were quick to get out of the car and cover them from the paparazzi.

Marcel found it hard to hide his irritation towards the paparazzi.

"Mr. Bianchi, who is she?"

"Your new girlfriend?"

"Who is she?"

"Miss, who are you?"

"Mr. Bianchi, you have eyes for black women too?"

Ashanti felt choked up and disturbed by the numerous voices and the flashes and clicks of different cameras. She felt like she was going to faint.

They were able to get into the building as the other securities closed the door. Marcel turned to look at Ashanti who was clinging onto his arm with a frightened expression.

"I did not expect that," she mumbled as she let go of his arm. A middle aged woman dressed in a gray suit approached them with a smile.

"Mr. Bianchi, I'm glad you could make it. We're about to start," she said with a smile. "Lead the way, Kiara," Marcello said to her. The woman smiled at Ashanti before leading them up the stairs.

Ashanti wondered how Kiara could walk up so many stairs in heels. "I envy her. I'll just die if I did the same," she thought to herself as they reached a door.

Kiara opened the door and they walked in.

The room was medium sized with cameras, light boxes and other broadcasting equipment. Kiara directed them to a plush white couch that was in the middle while she went to sit on the armless type in front of them.

"Are you ready?" the director asked. "One sec," Kiara said and faced Ashanti who looked a little pale.

"Just relax, it'll be fine," Kiara told her with a warm smile. Ashanti nodded and Marcel sighed before taking her hand and giving her a gentle squeeze.

Kiara beckoned the director to start.

"We're going live in one....two.....three," he stated and Kiara turned to face the camera.

"Buongiorno a tutti," she said with a smile. (Good morning everyone). Ashanti wanted to frown at her lack of understanding but she decided otherwise.

"It's another episode of Kiara's interview and today, with me I have Marcello Bianchi and his beautiful fiancée," she introduced and the camera focused on the couples in the room.

"So, Marcel?" Kiara called making him to look at her.

"What got you attracted to this pretty woman over here? Because I'm sure some people will be wondering why you didn't choose someone from your home place," Kiara asked.

Marcel chuckled, "It's a long story." Ashanti's heart skipped a beat when he grabbed her hand again and entwined their fingers.

Ashanti looked up at him with a smile. "I bumped into her at the mall. She couldn't reach for a purse she so wanted to get. I helped her but she did not like it," he said and let out a laugh. Ashanti rolled her eyes, knowing that he was going to make fun of her height.

"She hated me for making height. I got attracted to her smart mouth, I couldn't resist her beauty too," Marcel said. Kiara let out a sound of adoration and Ashanti blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm so going to kill him," Ashanti thought to herself. She knew that Marcel was enjoying the moment.

Kiara turned to her. "What's your name, my dear?"

"Ashanti," Ashanti replied. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman," Kiara said and Marcel nodded in agreement.

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