tv reaction - not being an egypt obsessed kid caught up to me, moon knight

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not being an egypt obsessed kid caught up to me

hi! welcome to my moon knight "live tweet" i hope you enjoy reading my random thoughts and i invite you to share yours if you have any

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hi! welcome to my moon knight "live tweet" i hope you enjoy reading my random thoughts and i invite you to share yours if you have any.

for context i was supposed to watch the first episode march 30 (when it got out on disney +) then watch the new episodes as they released, but because i love to procrastinate more than anything i waited until a month later. (but i did watch the season finale when it got out).

(i am also really living a dangerous life because i don't have the moon knight spoilers blocked on tumblr but it's fine because i don't know what's going on)


— ep 1
-what was that opening scene

-i was ready to jam to the marvel intro im so mad

-wasn't that the museum sersi worked at or took a picture of in the eternals?

-who's talking to steven?

-i'm sensing a cult

-*steven trying to give the scallop but this body refusing to* spidey sense

-the seat on the north american side but he drives on the road the european side? I'm so confused

-a flip phone as a weapon yes this is gonna do a lot of damage

-why are the lights flickering this isn't stranger things

-the demogorgon?? this is stranger things

-I'm sorry but my thought now are not ~that~ good

-the credits are really cool though


— ep2
-yes the marvel intro i can jam

-i have no idea what's going on i wasn't an Egypt obsessed kid

-why did it pause omg this is so funny

-LAYLA 💕 I love her hair so much

-does may calamawy speak french because she's really good

-props to both of them i could actually understand what they were saying

-the oui oui is killing me

-*sees purple magic* Agatha??

-"stephen, about Layla fighting a guy : that was awesome" me : I see Steven is also a member of the i like my woman badass club


— ep 3
-i fell in love with Layla solely because of a gif set of the scene where she's taking passport photo

-harrow : *looking for the tomb with his little scallop floating around* my brain : mincraft player looking for the portal to the end be like

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