Chapter 4, Like Chicago Again

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The new school in New York is called Julian Worth-Marion Senior School. What a preppy name. I bet it will be full of preppy kids....

"Are you going to be alright?" asks Sam. It's the first time I've ever really heard him express concern over my well-being. Okay, maybe the second time (there was an incident of me almost getting plowed over by a train, but we don't talk about that).

After a twenty minute walk we got to Julian Worth-Marion Senior School. Unfortunately, I do not think I will be able to continue spelling out the whole name. I'll probably just be referring to it as Worth-Marion, but it depends on what the kids and teachers at the school call it.

The weather was gray, sort of stormy. The sun was absent, covered by the layers of thick clouds. Personally, I am not such a fan of these sort of days.

Sam walked to the left of me, nearest to the road. We passed by bunches of apartments and also broken-down buildings and parking lots. To be honest, it all seemed pretty run down.

Then we finally got to what I will dub the Middle Man's Land, where the houses were nicer. They were still old, just better maintained and you could tell they were for someone who had the money to spend. Plus, there were flowers, beautiful flowers hanging on from summer's end, still looking quite looked-after in dainty little pots on porches, and on windowsills.

I looked into one of the windows as we walked by and spied a nice, although not necessarily expensive chandelier. It looked like it had some brass and glass accents. Not a bad look, not at all, but not exactly luxury either.

As we kept walking, I finally saw where the richest of the rich lived. High-rise luxury apartments, all glass and some steel. The luxury apartment buildings were near an exclusive park with a golf course, tennis courts (and perhaps pickleball), still-open swimming pool, well-paved basketball courts, and a baseball diamond. I saw on the top of one of the lower-rising luxury apartment buildings a huge infinity pool, a brilliant blue color despite the gray of the day. Well-dressed, sharp looking men walked by, carrying their heavy, sharp-edged briefcases, leaning on their shoulder, on their phone while simultaneously checking their watch, and chattering women wearing expensive clothing, carrying luxury European handbags, and wearing unnecessary decorative scarves and sunglasses pranced by.

And then, surrounded by all the luxury apartments and houses was the school.

The building was quite impressive. Not just your average redbrick-with-yellow-stone-accents building, it actually looked quite modern while being classy at the same time. The school had nice, whitish blue brick on its front as well as big, modern windows that stretched the whole length of classrooms and hallways. We could already see kids inside, laughing and talking in the halls. On the brick facade were the words "Julian Worth-Marion Senior School" painted on in a rich red color. There was a painting of a lion, quite lifelike I would say, underneath the words.

Sam looks at me and smiles. His eyes, light blue, twinkle merrily. "Are you scared, Alie?" he asks, after I didn't respond to his first query.

I tilt my head. "I guess... guess I am," I say slowly. "It's a new school. I doubt the academics will be too hard, though. I don't think I will make many friends, after all after that experience in Madison...." But Sam is not listening to me anymore. His eyes are somewhere faraway, his lips upturned in a soft smile, his head caught in a daydream.

I shake my head, letting loose my brown curls that were kept so tightly in my ponytail. "Sam," I say loudly.

He blinks. "Yep, yep, you'll make plenty of friends and the academics will be the most interesting. I will be so excited to join the football team." He then rambled on and on as we ascended the front steps.

I open the huge glass doors. "Sam," I interrupt. "I'll meet... meet you here after school."

"Anything for you, Julia," he says. He's mistaken me for his girlfriend in Madison. 

Author's Note: Hey readers, this is Saturday's update 😊. I hope you enjoyed reading it. 

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