Chapter 4

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a/n: Took me a little longer than usual, the holidays were stressful! But here I am with a new chapter! I hope you enjoy. Please comment and vote! It means a lot <3

cw: mention of trauma and anxiety



"Don't play with the power strip Rue. It's dangerous." Mum yelled across the room as I sat in front of the power strip. All the lights were blinking in bright, colorful lights. I already turned them on and off a couple of times but now that Mum said I should stop playing with them, I listen to her. I didn't want to get in trouble.

In my blue pajamas with teddy bears printed on them, I made my way toward the couch and cuddled up to my Dad. Steve sat on the floor in front of the tv. We watched Toy Story before bed. It was a Saturday, and there was no school or kindergarten tomorrow, so we were allowed to stay awake longer and watch a movie together.

During the movie, my eyes wandered to the blinking lights every now and then. As the end credits rolled, my Mum came into the room.

"I guess it's bedtime, Rue-Rue," she said with her hands on her hips.

I protested with a whiney 'no'. I wasn't tired, and I didn't want to go to bed.

"But I'm not tired," I whined.

Mum picked me up in her arms. "It's already late, honey. You need to get some sleep. Steve too."

I kept a frown as Mum walked us out of the living room after I said good night to Dad and Steve.

Mum tugged me into bed, putting Oscar, the blue teddy bear, next to me, and laid down beside me. "Sleep well, honey." She placed a kiss on my forehead. She closed her eyes, and so did I.


"She can't breathe. She can't breathe!" I heard the screams and cries of my mother. "Please do something! My baby! She can't breathe." Her crying grew louder and louder. My eyes were closed, but I could hear everything around me. What happened? Why was she so upset? And why was she saying that?

"I'm here, Mommy. I'm here." I wanted to say, but my mouth wouldn't open.

I felt someone taking my hand into theirs. "Please don't go, Rue-Rue." I recognized Steve's soft voice. He was crying. "Please don't leave me. I need you."

"Why should I leave you? I don't want to...Mommy, what is happening?" I felt like crying, but still, my body showed no reaction.

"Mommy!" I tried to scream as loud as I could. "Mooommyyy!!!" I screamed.

"It's okay, Rue-Rue. It's okay." I heard a faint voice. "It's okay," it whispered.

I jumped when I opened my eyes and saw my brother. "It's okay," he repeated. Only then I realized that I had been crying.

My breathing was frantic, and I looked at my surroundings as I tried to calm down.

"You had another nightmare, huh?" he asked softly. He sat on the side of my bed, slowly caressing my bare arm up and down. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head slowly, "No, it's fine." I pressed my lips into a thin line, faking a smile. "Was I screaming?" I asked, trying to control my breathing.

I hated my nightmares, but what I hated more than that was that I screamed and cried when I had them. I didn't want to wake Steve or any of my family members, and I didn't want them to see me like this.

Steve shook his head hesitantly.

"Stop lying," I said

"I'm not lying. You were not."

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