Rise of the snakes part one

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Liz P.O.V

"Alright. Let's put our plan into action Lloyd." I said to Lloyd. Lloyd has been my best friend since we met at Darkly School for bad kids.

Flashback time

'Alright Liz calm down. It's just the first day at a boarding school. Nothing bad will happen and if something does happen I can just be myself and manipulate anyone. So stay calm.' I told myself to try to calm my nerves.

I walk through and the first thing I see is a boy in a black hoodie with ribs drawn on it being pushed to the ground by another boy. Without thinking I did what anyone else would do. I kicked the boy hurting him in the nuts.

Everyone freezes and looks at me. And then everyone starts cheering for me. By that I mean they were screaming " NEW GIRL" over and over again.

Flashback over

That was the day me and Lloyd became best friends. Now back to our plan ahead. Lloyd is going to distract the town by impersonating his father and I am going to as much candy as I can. If they give him some then bonus candy for us.

It going be the perfect plan as long as Lloyd can impersonate his father then I can get him and me candy.

Lloyd puts our plan into action by honestly doing his father's evil laughter perfectly. Everyone starts panicking and I steal a lot of candy while everyone is panicking.

But then I hear the flapping of wings, then I hear Lloyd freaking out and yelling to be put down.

I turn around and see that he was picked up by a ninja in red. I go to listen to what they are saying. And the red sounds familiar, that when they all pulled off their hoods and I see someone that I didn't think I'd ever see again.


Kai looked around to see who said his name and then saw me.

"Liz, what are you doing here? You should be at Darkly boarding school as well."

I got kinda annoyed with him. Shouldn't he know that I was kicked out from how many times the school tried to call him in order to try get him to pick me up. Which he never did.

The one in white looked at me and Kai and asked "Kai do you know her?"

Now all of them were looking at me. I rolled my eye and started to climb up the sign that Lloyd was on and got him off. Then I looked at them and pulled on Kai hair.

"OW! Yep, definitely Liz." He said while rubbing his head.

I stuck my tongue out at him and walked away with Lloyd.

Jay P.O.V

"So Kai who was that?" Cole said to the person still rubbing his head.

"That was my little sister Elizabeth. I don't know why she's here given she goes to Darkly's with mini-Garmadon." Kai said. WAIT KAI HAS ANOTHER SISTER.

"Whoa whoa, since when did you have another sister, I thought you only had Nya." I said trying to understand why he has never even spoken about her.

Nobody P.O.V (cause Jay's pov is hard to do)

Kai just kept going to the dragons while try his best to change the topic from his sister to....... Literally anything else. He did not need more guilt for giving her to a boarding school then what Nya had gave him the day he came back without her.

Luckily for him and his conscience, Zane changed the topic for him.

"Kai what is that sticking out of your bag?"

Kai looked at his bag, and saw what Zane had been pointing at.

"I don't have that in my bag."

Zane said "That's sensei's bag, you must have grabbed it and not noticed."

Jay said " hey there's something sticking out of sensei's bag."

"It's a scroll dummy"

" I know it's a scroll, but what does it say."

"I don't know, it's written in chicken scratch."

Zane helped them out by saying "not chicken scratch but the ancient language of our ancestors."

Kai said "Well, can you read it."

Zane nodded and started to read the scroll.

"two ninja will rise above the others and become the scarlet and green ninja, who are destined to defeat the dark lord. The scarlet ninja will be the one who is always in the red ninja's shadow. They will always the dark side to the green ninja."

"Well at least we know Kai won't be the scarlet ninja." Jay said.

"What do you mean I can't be scarlet ninja."

"Kai, it literally says that the scarlet ninja is in the red ninja shadow. How could you be in your own shadow?"

Back to the beans

Liz P.O.V

"Lloyd will you stop asking me questions about how I know the red ninja, the only thing you need to know is that he is my brother and that I hate him."

Lloyd and me were still walking around and eating the last of our candy.

"Stupid ninja, we'll show them right Liz."

I nod to him and he smiles and we keep walking. Truth be told, I don't really like talking that much. Lloyd knows that though and him and I have remained best friends since our first day of school. But since we were looking at each other we weren't looking forward and Lloyd tripped over something.

"What was that!?"

I shrugged and looked at what Lloyd had tripped over. There was a weird marking on the ground.

"Hey there's a lever over there."

" Your right Lizzy, good eye"

We go to it and pull it, and ground falls from under us. I fell on my bum and Lloyd fell on his face. haha his legs look like a scorpion. Cool.

"You shouldn't be this far from home, little onessss"

I grabbed Lloyd and pulled him down so the snake would hypnotize himself. Haha loser.

" No you will obey us now"


"What is it you would like us to do masters?"

"Us?" we both said that.

Oh.... Oh god. Th-That is a-a lot of snakes.

"Our own personal army of snakes!"

Well I guess this isn't too bad, as long as Lloyd doesn't use them....... Lloyd is going to use them isn't he........... This will not be ending well.

No one's P.O.V

With the ninja

Kai and the others are training when Sensei comes out looking worried.

"Jamaki village is in danger"

"Chill Sensei, we were just there, nobody is in any danger, it's just some kids-"

"The sprit smokes does not lie."

"My sisters are there right now!"



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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